Trendy System 3.0 (Genom TrendySystem)

Förstärkning : +1014.46%
Uttag 62.95%
Pips: 2829.3
Trades 225
Typ: Demo
Hävstångseffekt: 1:100
Handel: Okänd

Trendy System 3.0 Diskussion

Dec 12, 2012 at 01:27
690 Visa
1 Replies
Medlem sedan Jul 01, 2011   41 inlägg
Jun 01, 2013 at 23:29
Profitability is good, DD is too high. Still love your work. Why do you wait this long before releasing it?
Medlem sedan Oct 24, 2011   36 inlägg
Jun 02, 2013 at 08:28
haha..we wait so long, because you want the best right! Actually, the drawdown is much less than what you see here, this account had some "experimental" strategies in it, where we were testing some things, that led to some crazy drawdowns. The drawdown is more or less about 30%, which is still too high.

We are finishing up on some stop loss rules for this and after we work out the best settings we will release it. Most likely sometime this summer. We will communicate to you all through the website and on here when we release an official copy. The next step is setting up a live real money account, which is happening hopefully this week.

Best Regards,
Trading is Fun...
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