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- Stable Growth Strategy
Stable Growth Strategy
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Stable Growth Strategy Diskussion
Sep 13, 2013 at 06:13
Medlem sedan Jan 12, 2013
2 inlägg
please open order history. its impossible to check the own execution and see the slippage.
i also think this should be mandatory for autotrading providers.
i also think this should be mandatory for autotrading providers.
Sep 13, 2013 at 10:56
Medlem sedan Jul 13, 2012
1 inlägg
chris854 posted:
please open order history. its impossible to check the own execution and see the slippage.
i also think this should be mandatory for autotrading providers.
Sep 15, 2013 at 19:09
Medlem sedan Jan 12, 2013
2 inlägg
i was wondering if anyone has subscribed for a longer time period already. the system looks like it lives from a lots of smaller wins. usually those are not the best ones to autotrade (given that we have higher transaction cost and worse fills).
*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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