NMi Super Climber MAM Axi (Genom forex_trader_2825)

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NMi Super Climber MAM Axi Diskussion

Mar 09, 2013 at 03:56
706 Visa
1 Replies
Medlem sedan May 02, 2010   14 inlägg
Jun 18, 2013 at 12:18
What risk is this set at, e.g. 7% or ?
Thank you in advance, Rog S.
patience, patience & more patience
Medlem sedan Nov 09, 2009   129 inlägg
Jun 21, 2013 at 03:15
Hi Rog,

This account is a MAM account comprising of all risk profiles (of between 1.8% - 18% risk per trade) selected by clients.

So, the risk per trade is average of what all the participants have chosen (as it is a choice with this MAM).

The Graph is also affect by additional deposits and the timing of them.

The account listed at 2.5% risk per trade is the best one took at and judge because its been traded at exactly 2.5% risk since day one and has not had any deposits made to it, and it was the initial seed account https://www.myfxbook.com/members/NewMillenniumInc/nmi-super-climber-25/513122

I posted some further info in the lambo account discussion thread https://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/ste-lambo-18/552066,1

Inquiries [email protected]

Cheers, Adam
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