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- Irrefutable (Alpari)
Irrefutable (Alpari) (Genom ReVeR27)
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Irrefutable (Alpari) Diskussion
Jan 03, 2021 at 13:38
Medlem sedan Mar 18, 2013
23 inlägg
The trading account is not yet a year old, but it has already exceeded 200% profitability. The clever combination of a grid of orders with a floating stop loss makes this system moderately aggressive with a maximum possible loss of 30%. Moreover, profitability here is limited only by the opportunities that the market provides.
Trading proved by times
Jan 19, 2021 at 20:29
Medlem sedan Mar 18, 2013
23 inlägg
PAMM account Alpari exceeded 200% profitability.
All investors already earn 2000$ pure profit.
Take a look: https://alpari.forex/en/invest/pamm/465705/
All investors already earn 2000$ pure profit.
Take a look: https://alpari.forex/en/invest/pamm/465705/
Trading proved by times
Jan 30, 2021 at 11:44
Medlem sedan Mar 18, 2013
23 inlägg
This month our Expert Advisor has shown a stable profit with a moderate drawdown. In the negative, there were few closings, which made it possible to earn almost 10% of the profit. The yield curve has renewed its maximum. We continue to make money for our investors..
Trading proved by times
Feb 01, 2021 at 11:07
Medlem sedan Nov 26, 2020
15 inlägg
You have a nice trading system. Looks like you trust your automated system quite a lot because you are using high leverage that most traders don’t.
*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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