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- IBT Auto
IBT Auto (Genom ibtaforex)
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IBT Auto Diskussion
Medlem sedan Nov 12, 2009
272 inlägg
Aug 23, 2012 at 14:37
(redigerad Aug 23, 2012 at 14:44)
Medlem sedan Nov 12, 2009
272 inlägg
What to say of a vendor who simply deletes demo accounts that have blown up then start fresh with new demos? That is, the demo account started last November was deleted a few months ago when it hit bottom. At least the history of such blown up accounts should stay on the website because new users have no idea that this has blown up before. Let's hope this one survives.
Aug 23, 2012 at 17:17
Medlem sedan Jan 02, 2012
7 inlägg
We have the right to start over with a completly new strategy. why show history of an old strategy that's not even being sold? We are not denying it did bad, there are test on the net that show its poor performance. If you want to see a continious test of the old IBTA strategy traded into the new strategy here is the longest running. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/birt/interbank-trade-advisor/229293 .
No trade is better than a losing trade
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