FXR ARMY (Genom forex_trader_570408)

Användaren har raderat systemet..

FXR ARMY Diskussion

May 01, 2020 at 15:53
167 Visa
1 Replies
Medlem sedan Jun 03, 2020   1 inlägg
Jun 03, 2020 at 06:28 (redigerad Jun 03, 2020 at 06:34)
Please do not trust this guy, he is a big time scammer, he just blew my account, deposited $1500 my hard earned money and not even three weeks he blew my account.

he is a shame less creature makes his living on scammed money.

in his video he said 2 to 6% drawdown and when it went to 20% drawdown i have asked about it, then he said up to 30% it can go.

He stopped responding to my message when it went up to 45% drawdown.

I asked him to save my account but he did nothing and let it blew my account.

The screen shots are attached for your reference. please do not trust this guy and waste your money.

I have attached my MT4 screen shot and also screen shots of conversations i had with him over Telegram

Phanidhar Rao M.


Medlem sedan Jan 30, 2019   1 inlägg
Jun 03, 2020 at 22:11
Wow this guy is still out there scamming people???

I remember a year and a half he was blowing acocunt like popcorn, he was active on facebook and blew up hundreds of thousands of $$$ of investors!

I cannot believe he is still alive and playing the same game over and over again, taking hard earned money from people and then blocking them when the account is blown :(
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