ForexV95 (Genom CNTBW)
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ForexV95 Diskussion
Aug 17, 2019 at 12:33
Medlem sedan Jun 16, 2014
27 inlägg
I'm going to fund my account Forex.V95 at the End of the month with $1000 which will make available for autotrade on Myfxbook. In the next three months. (November 2019) As you can tell already that this will easily be the best system on the Autotrade network. (Not trying to brag) so keep Forex.V95 on your radar you not going to want to miss this.
Happy Trading
Medlem sedan Jul 22, 2013
123 inlägg
Aug 17, 2019 at 13:22
Medlem sedan Jul 22, 2013
123 inlägg
good system but very high DD level ...
SNF-Complex system - build in 2007 \ Tested from 1970.
Aug 18, 2019 at 11:29
Medlem sedan Jun 16, 2014
27 inlägg
Fair enough. In my back-testing of my system, 35% was the average DD. And 37% being my highest. But the system can grow up to 20% monthly. But I encourage you and anyone else to watch/track the system. See how it preforms for the next 12 months then make a decision. Its free and you risk nothing. :)
Happy Trading
Aug 18, 2019 at 13:18
Medlem sedan May 12, 2019
1 inlägg
where can i go to myfxbook to subcribe to systems?
Aug 18, 2019 at 15:59
Medlem sedan Jun 16, 2014
27 inlägg
Hi zimasa
The system isn't available on Myfxbook rite now. But it will be available to subscribe to at the end of November 2019 on Myfxbook. In the meantime you can track the progress by adding it to your watch list. It's one of three buttons on the top right of the page which reads "add to watch"
The system isn't available on Myfxbook rite now. But it will be available to subscribe to at the end of November 2019 on Myfxbook. In the meantime you can track the progress by adding it to your watch list. It's one of three buttons on the top right of the page which reads "add to watch"
Happy Trading
Oct 11, 2019 at 22:30
Medlem sedan Jun 16, 2014
27 inlägg
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to give you guys an update on the auto Trading account coming to Myfxbook. It uses my same custom built EA 'Forex.V95'. It has a 'H' on the end to highlight it's hidden. Until ready for public viewing. Wouldn't be ready for autoTrade until end of December. So it will be fully ready by 2020 and available on Myfxbook. But in the meantime you can always track this system here. Which is over 200% in four months. And easily will be be the best system on the Myfxbook autoTrade page. Come January 2020
Just wanted to give you guys an update on the auto Trading account coming to Myfxbook. It uses my same custom built EA 'Forex.V95'. It has a 'H' on the end to highlight it's hidden. Until ready for public viewing. Wouldn't be ready for autoTrade until end of December. So it will be fully ready by 2020 and available on Myfxbook. But in the meantime you can always track this system here. Which is over 200% in four months. And easily will be be the best system on the Myfxbook autoTrade page. Come January 2020
Happy Trading

*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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