ExtraCashEA (Genom hvpulok)

Förstärkning : +57.6%
Uttag 42.02%
Pips: 1153.0
Trades 117
Typ: Verkligt
Hävstångseffekt: 1:1000
Handel: Automatiserad

ExtraCashEA Diskussion

Mar 16, 2012 at 11:55
1,070 Visa
4 Replies
Medlem sedan Apr 21, 2010   9 inlägg
May 04, 2012 at 12:14
I am an Engineer. I am trading forex for more than 4 years. According to my trading experience, market research and analysis I have developed this EA. I have already Back tested this EA and found significant profit. For me, low risk and consistent result is more important than huge profit. So I tried to make this EA as low risky as possible.
Now I am forward testing my EA. Lets observe its performance.

My plan is, if it performs well, i will give it to the public for free. For no money.....But not now. Because at first I have to make sure that the EA is profitable....I don't want to destruct other innocent peoples account...

I am not saying that my EA is a holy grail. But we all know that, earning money is very hard but it is not impossible. And I am going to earn money😎
Control your Greed. Rome was not built in a day.
Medlem sedan Sep 22, 2009   9 inlägg
May 07, 2012 at 08:57
Great job, I hope that your idea will be successful. 😉
Medlem sedan Apr 21, 2010   9 inlägg
May 07, 2012 at 16:12 (redigerad May 07, 2012 at 16:12)
Thanks Eracle for ur good wishing. You know, this market is so uncertain, no body can say that "hey..my system is unlossable". So I am also saying that, My system is lossable. So only my traget is to minimize risk, earn small by small, and slowly and slowly aggregate profit so that ultimately profit become huge.

I don't believe any system which will grow my money 1000% in just one month. And if this kind of system still exists, I don't want to invest my hard earned money at that system. bcoz, Rome was not built in a day.
Control your Greed. Rome was not built in a day.
Medlem sedan Jul 21, 2012   5 inlägg
Jul 21, 2012 at 18:23
Appreciate ur Hard work Pulok....i hope i'll test ur EA myself one u complete it (and if u give permission to use it).....
To be a reknowned and respected Trader among the World's Online traders Community.....
Medlem sedan Apr 30, 2011   20 inlägg
Feb 03, 2013 at 14:07
why you stopped
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