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- Trading System
- edyan
edyan (Genom madiunfx)
Användaren har raderat systemet..
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edyan Diskussion
Feb 16, 2012 at 11:06
Medlem sedan Feb 15, 2012
8 inlägg
Is it arbitrage????
Why didn´t you continue???
Did FXDD close your account???
Why didn´t you continue???
Did FXDD close your account???
Feb 16, 2012 at 18:09
Medlem sedan Feb 15, 2012
8 inlägg
Arbitrage trading is when you need 2 different brokers to open the trades. One of them is the Master and the other one is the Slave.
You look for differences in prices and when it is about to 4 or 5 pips, you take a secure trade to win a maximum of 4 pips.
Do you use one broker only?
Why didn`t you continue trading if your method is amazing?
You look for differences in prices and when it is about to 4 or 5 pips, you take a secure trade to win a maximum of 4 pips.
Do you use one broker only?
Why didn`t you continue trading if your method is amazing?
Feb 29, 2012 at 13:57
Medlem sedan Feb 28, 2012
2 inlägg
boleh kongsi skit...tolongggggggg😀
Trade Biar Bijok..
Medlem sedan Feb 22, 2011
4862 inlägg
Feb 29, 2012 at 15:35
Medlem sedan Feb 22, 2011
4862 inlägg
BTW myfxbook works with 1 account number and 1 broker
TAVO posted:
Arbitrage trading is when you need 2 different brokers to open the trades. One of them is the Master and the other one is the Slave.
You look for differences in prices and when it is about to 4 or 5 pips, you take a secure trade to win a maximum of 4 pips.
Do you use one broker only?
Why didn`t you continue trading if your method is amazing?
how can you have account with 2 brokers?
*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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