Contest - moneybull (Genom moneybull)

Förstärkning : +9.64%
Uttag 7.82%
Pips: -36.5
Trades 28
Typ: Demo
Hävstångseffekt: 1:100
Handel: Okänd

Contest - moneybull Diskussion

Apr 17, 2013 at 17:24
584 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Jun 07, 2011   2 inlägg
May 01, 2013 at 11:42
I am unable to run any EA on that platform. All of my EAs (3) keep saying they can't register.

All of the proper settings are enabled and I activated the right licenses on the EAs websites.

Is anyone encountering the same problem?
Medlem sedan Apr 15, 2011   177 inlägg
May 01, 2013 at 13:02
Pay attention to the color that is you account in the Navigator panel. It is yellow, so FxPro launches contest account as "real". If EA will need to register your account number on which it runs, will not run on another.
I'm lazy.
Medlem sedan Jun 07, 2011   2 inlägg
May 01, 2013 at 13:03
You are right, that was the problem! Thank you!
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