Bitcoin Killer

Förstärkning : +2652.28%
Uttag 3.69%
Pips: 12438789.0
Trades 2328
Typ: Verkligt
Hävstångseffekt: 1:500
Handel: Automatiserad

Bitcoin Killer Diskussion

Jun 04, 2021 at 14:19
299 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Dec 21, 2019   2 inlägg
Jun 30, 2021 at 13:46

I want to subscribe your service, BTC Killer. I have questions:
1. If I want to reduce Drawdown by reduce lot, is it possible?
2. In the same account where I use for copy service, is it OK that I can trade other pairs beside BTCUSD?
3. My broker spread for BTCUSD is around 35.xx-50.xx. Is it OK with your system?
Medlem sedan Jun 03, 2021   3 inlägg
Jun 30, 2021 at 17:08
kmomheng posted:

I want to subscribe your service, BTC Killer. I have questions:
1. If I want to reduce Drawdown by reduce lot, is it possible?
2. In the same account where I use for copy service, is it OK that I can trade other pairs beside BTCUSD?
3. My broker spread for BTCUSD is around 35.xx-50.xx. Is it OK with your system?

Medlem sedan Jun 03, 2021   3 inlägg
Jun 30, 2021 at 20:42
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