bforex multi-currency (Genom fxWB)
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bforex multi-currency Diskussion
Apr 16, 2010 at 12:02
Medlem sedan Oct 02, 2009
53 inlägg
more description on what ingredients u are using?
Apr 16, 2010 at 13:19
Medlem sedan Mar 02, 2010
5 inlägg
No indicators used or specific time frames. The basic concept of the development of this EA is focused on closing the trades, open market under all conditions. Also because I'm just a programmer with very little experience on forex.
I decided to publish the demo account on myfxbook, because the algorithm by testing the strategy seems to have made great potential (test publish soon). This great EA is just 14Kb.
I decided to publish the demo account on myfxbook, because the algorithm by testing the strategy seems to have made great potential (test publish soon). This great EA is just 14Kb.
Apr 16, 2010 at 13:23
Medlem sedan Oct 02, 2009
53 inlägg
so what is the logic for making a trade?
Apr 16, 2010 at 13:43
(redigerad Apr 16, 2010 at 13:49)
Medlem sedan Mar 02, 2010
5 inlägg
From my modest experience, I think the important thing is not open trades, but close them. This is the logic.
I can not ensure that the correct choice, but only time will tell.
SimboloGBPUSD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)
Periodo5 Minuti (M5) 2010.01.04 00:00 - 2010.04.08 23:55 (2010.01.01 - 2010.04.09)
ModelloOgni tick (il metodo precissimo sulla base di tutti gli intervalli di tempo minimi)
Errori di grafici0
Deposito iniziale10000.00
Profitto totale netto6584.09Profitto lordo84437.57Perdita lorda-77853.48
Fattore di profitto (profit factor)1.08Ricompensa attesa1.57
Drawdown assoluto5648.15Drawdown massimo11545.70 (72.63%)Drawdown relativo72.63% (11545.70)
Operazioni totali4186Posizioni al ribasso (vincite %)2147 (60.08%)Posizioni al rialzo (vincite %)2039 (59.10%)
Operazioni con profitto (% del totale)2495 (59.60%)Operazioni in perdita (% del totale)1691 (40.40%)
Il piu' grandeoperazione con profito493.56operazione in perdita-521.70
Mediaoperazione con profito33.84operazione in perdita-46.04
Massimovincite consecutive (profitto in denaro)11 (2868.48)perdite consecutive (perdita in denaro)11 (-2730.90)
Massimaleprofitto consecutivo (numero delle vincite)2868.48 (11)perdita consecutiva (numero delle perdite)-2730.90 (11)
Mediavincite consecutive2perdite consecutive1
I can not ensure that the correct choice, but only time will tell.
Strategy Tester Report
AlpariUK-Demo (Build 226)
SimboloGBPUSD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)
Periodo5 Minuti (M5) 2010.01.04 00:00 - 2010.04.08 23:55 (2010.01.01 - 2010.04.09)
ModelloOgni tick (il metodo precissimo sulla base di tutti gli intervalli di tempo minimi)
Errori di grafici0
Deposito iniziale10000.00
Profitto totale netto6584.09Profitto lordo84437.57Perdita lorda-77853.48
Fattore di profitto (profit factor)1.08Ricompensa attesa1.57
Drawdown assoluto5648.15Drawdown massimo11545.70 (72.63%)Drawdown relativo72.63% (11545.70)
Operazioni totali4186Posizioni al ribasso (vincite %)2147 (60.08%)Posizioni al rialzo (vincite %)2039 (59.10%)
Operazioni con profitto (% del totale)2495 (59.60%)Operazioni in perdita (% del totale)1691 (40.40%)
Il piu' grandeoperazione con profito493.56operazione in perdita-521.70
Mediaoperazione con profito33.84operazione in perdita-46.04
Massimovincite consecutive (profitto in denaro)11 (2868.48)perdite consecutive (perdita in denaro)11 (-2730.90)
Massimaleprofitto consecutivo (numero delle vincite)2868.48 (11)perdita consecutiva (numero delle perdite)-2730.90 (11)
Mediavincite consecutive2perdite consecutive1

Apr 19, 2010 at 16:48
Medlem sedan Mar 02, 2010
5 inlägg
I am making the latest changes, and will release a test version of single currency, as some have asked me.
Apr 27, 2010 at 16:36
Medlem sedan Mar 02, 2010
5 inlägg
from your experience, think it wise to participate in the contest myfxbook this bot?
Apr 27, 2010 at 16:47
Medlem sedan Feb 16, 2010
83 inlägg
fxWB posted:Of course. There is only upside.
from your experience, think it wise to participate in the contest myfxbook this bot?
Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.

*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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