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ECN Robot 3.6
Obchodné systémy
May 02, 2021 at 17:13
Why no trades this year? Can you start with a better regulated broker? I never heard of DomusFx...
Obchodné systémy
Jan 28, 2021 at 15:08
I hope @OldRetiredGuy framed my comment. In any case here it is again, so he doesn't miss it out... 🙄
Obchodné systémy
Dec 03, 2020 at 08:43
If you have a lot to lose, withdraw money regularly until you are safe. The IPO is false, Warren Buffett never exposes in advance where they invest. It would mean insider trading since people could take his word for advice and start investing before him. He only does this after the fact in the company shareholder meeting. You can also write to Berkshire Hathaway although it may take a few days for them to reply. This alone is a red flag that something is cooking and I think they want to lure most of money in and then something will happen. Let's see but as I wrote several time be extremely...
Obchodné systémy
Dec 03, 2020 at 08:38
It means that you are posting here without any proof this is a scam or not. You are convincing people you put money in and took it out so it must be a good investment. The Ponzi scheme can work for years, it collapses only when most people star taking out more then it's going in or when they decide they have enough of money to disappear. As your reference to Madoff ask the 90% people that were hurt. They lost all savings and so on... He damaged millions of people, pensions funds depleted. You are in something smaller now, but this doesn't mean people won't be hurt especially those ...
Obchodné systémy
Dec 02, 2020 at 19:27
Good then once it all goes down people will know with whom to talk...
Obchodné systémy
Nov 30, 2020 at 11:57
Good for you. I hope you will take a deep good look once this collapses. You do know that there is no technology in the world that would keep the draw down under 1% ever... Wallstreet would buy off that company 100x over... You thinking that those results are real is really concerning and damaging for other people and it points out that you have no clue how forex trading works. Also another question arises, why would somebody need other people money to trade if they have such a free risk ATM system. Why would they need your money specifically if they can make profit on their own? Why would the...
Obchodné systémy
Nov 18, 2020 at 11:04
I'm not Nostradamus but in your case I can predict clearly what will happen... 1. They are making a push to lure more investors with false marketing on IPO and Warren Buffet involvement. This is the lie that should bring all red flags to this company because Warren would never post publicly that they will invest 500 mil. into any company due to market manipulation. He does share information to shareholders internally but after the fact... 2. There is no IPO in Vanuatu where broker is based unless they do it in USA or UK which would bring a shitstorm of regulators to them. In fact I do hope...
Obchodné systémy
Nov 17, 2020 at 08:36
You can use reference of how a scam works here -,49Exactly same approach as you have here and it lasted 5 years... The end game is lure enough capital in, then make a "mistake" in few hours that blows account and blame it on the market. No proof of any wrongdoing... Anyone investing in unregulated broker that can produce trades on demand without any audit is playing with fire... Don't be naive and stay away from such scams. If you are early sure you might win, but if you are investing now the risk of losing f...
Obchodné systémy
Nov 08, 2020 at 11:39
Check if the reviewers made any other review before. If not then they can be fake users. You just make a free email like gmail and post review. There is no verification on this and one person can put hundreds of fake reviews each time from different free email...
Anthony Wins
Obchodné systémy
Nov 05, 2020 at 16:58
You do know that accent broker and Anthony are the same... You do know they had a lot of such PAM account that all end up the same. Do you know that unregulated broker can produce trades whenever they want, nobody is monitoring them. I can show you how they do it even if you don't know this...
Anthony Wins
Obchodné systémy
Nov 05, 2020 at 11:46
Don't be naive, this is a practice with all Accent broker PAMM, check them how many times they did this. They build history and then all is gone in few hours and clients lose money. Those that entered early got profits yes, but majority entered this year and ask them how they are doing? There is no Anthony he is the broker and now they took investors money and blame the loss on us elections and "trader" being sick with flu... (There is always some reason just not themselves). Do you really think a real trader that had a proper risk management would lose all in few hours? That is ...
Bounce Trader
Obchodné systémy
Oct 17, 2020 at 11:43
You can check how it went in September and in October it's same story. EA made loss Nothing damaging, but the fact they are not updating on a regular basis means they are hiding the truth to investors... So we all know what this means...
Obchodné systémy
Oct 17, 2020 at 11:27
Note the Yahoo article is not original content: '(Syndicated press content)'Nether is the Seeking Alpha one: 'Please Note: Blog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors.' I can get my blog featured in those channels easily, just pay the advert for it...And Warren Buffet going into an unverified unregulated broker, come on guys!!! Don't be naive. Warren would never ever invest in such a company without any audit. Min. what he requires is a 3rd party audit by Ernst & Young...This is all an effort to get more funds and then you know what happ...
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