AUDSGD Exchange Rate


Австралийский доллар к сингапурскому доллару Exchange Rate (AUD to SGD)

-0.56% -49.4 pips
Bid/Ask: 0.87458/0.87952
Дневной диапазон: 0.87405 - 0.88094
1-минутный диапазон
5 -минутный диапазон
15 -минутный диапазон
30 -минутный диапазон
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RBA and MAS Interest Rates

Australia Reserve Bank of Australia 4.35% 4.35% 19 дней
Singapore Monetary Authority of Singapore 3.03% 3.08% -

Latest AUDSGD News

Singapore Maintains Monetary Policy For Sixth Straight Time

Singapore Maintains Monetary Policy For Sixth Straight Time

Singapore central bank maintained its monetary policy for the sixth consecutive meeting on Monday. The Monetary Authority of Singapore decided to keep the prevailing rate of appreciation of the S$NEER policy band. There will be no change to its width and the level at which it is centered.
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Singapore GDP Grows 2.1% In Q3

Singapore GDP Grows 2.1% In Q3

Singapore's gross domestic product expanded a seasonally adjusted 2.1 percent on quarter in the third quarter of 2024, Statistics Singapore said in Monday's advance estimate.
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Australia Has A$5.644 Billion Trade Surplus

Australia Has A$5.644 Billion Trade Surplus

Australia posted a seasonally adjusted merchandise trade surplus of A$5.644 billion in August, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Thursday.
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AUDSGD Exchange Rates Analysis

AUDSGD Данные за прошлые периоды - Данные за прошлые периоды AUDSGD можно выбирать по диапазону дат и таймфрейму.

AUDSGD Волатильность - AUDSGD анализ волатильности валют в реальном времени.

AUDSGD Корреляция - AUDSGD корреляционный анализ валют в реальном времени.

AUDSGD Индикаторы - AUDSGD индикаторы реального времени.

AUDSGD Паттерны - AUDSGD паттерны цен в реальном времени.