TheSupremeForex-Prasanth (By thesupremeforex)

Прибыль : +18.22%
Просадка 22.07%
Пипс: 979.3
Сделки 131
Тип: Реальный
Кредитное плечо: 1:400
Трейдинг: Автоматически

TheSupremeForex-Prasanth Обсуждение

Jul 04, 2014 at 03:30
592 Просмотры
1 Replies
Участник с Apr 25, 2014   248 комментариев
Jul 15, 2014 at 06:43
Hi Readers!
I am out here in the market for business! My business is to benefit others and get residual income to survive in the retired life! Stay Tuned! For more!
I have 15 years’ experience as part time trader and now full time FOREX trader. I have tested more than 200 Expert Advisors on demo and live accounts and gained much experience with EAs and manual trading. I have designed my own EAs and some of them are profitable. I got education in Forex from world class traders in last 5 years and understood the market behavior and taking its advantage before it takes advantage of us. My gain in past happed to be 5% to 200% in a month. Lately I have maintained the records of some of my account on at
I have various systems based on risk appetite of the customers and expected gain. Once can select the system he like and I provide trading signal or trade in PAMM account accordingly.
For further details you can visit my web site at or
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Участник с Apr 25, 2014   248 комментариев
Aug 08, 2014 at 19:10
All trades closed and the account closed. This was a real account test period of the EA. It had good steady gain. It had 18.22 % absolute gain in 2 months’ time. The gain will vary with market conditions in future.
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