ProfitableRisk (Accumulating Strategy101) (By ProfitableRisks)

Прибыль : +3780.67%
Просадка 36.47%
Пипс: 35819.4
Сделки 1222
Тип: Демо
Кредитное плечо: 1:500
Трейдинг: Вручную

ProfitableRisk (Accumulating Strategy101) Обсуждение

Dec 25, 2019 at 16:37
927 Просмотры
6 Replies
Участник с Dec 18, 2019   33 комментариев
Dec 26, 2019 at 03:26
Best Accumulating and quick profit taking techniques
Участник с Jan 05, 2016   1097 комментариев
Jan 12, 2020 at 20:06
It's a demo account with massive gains.
Do you also have a LIVE account with identical trading on it?
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Участник с Jan 14, 2018   152 комментариев
Jan 12, 2020 at 23:42
These results are totally meaningless because its on a demo account, what a waste of time. On top of that the EA opens 10 trades all at the same price level, which is also meaningless and high risk.
Участник с Dec 18, 2019   33 комментариев
Jan 13, 2020 at 09:07
Please I'm not asking or complaining, I have live accounts with investors and do not call someone efforts totally wasted, sometimes you try things on demo before applying 50 percent of it to live account, and its not EA but manual.
Участник с Jan 05, 2016   1097 комментариев
Jan 13, 2020 at 22:09 (отредактировано Jan 13, 2020 at 22:14)
ProfitableRisks posted:
Please I'm not asking or complaining, I have live accounts with investors and do not call someone efforts totally wasted, sometimes you try things on demo before applying 50 percent of it to live account, and its not EA but manual.

Demo accounts are not realistic proof of profitability.

All of your massive profits come from December 2019.

If your system works, you should have similar results for a fully verified live account, if not, then the system doesn't work in live trading.

Please create a fully verified MyFXBook stat page for your Live account to prove your account statistics are real.


If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Участник с Jan 14, 2018   152 комментариев
Jan 13, 2020 at 22:52
The point that I was making here is that no one here on My Fx Book is interested in demo account results, period. Why dont you post your real live account results, which may get you more investors ??
Участник с Dec 18, 2019   33 комментариев
Jan 14, 2020 at 05:57
pipscalper71 posted:
The point that I was making here is that no one here on My Fx Book is interested in demo account results, period. Why dont you post your real live account results, which may get you more investors ??

're only persons that have access to my live accounts histories are my investors, I did or never uploaded my live accounts here and e that wants access to my track records of account of two years plus, started with 50k and now more than 780k with over 370k withdrawal with a reputable broker in the U.K. must show prove of funds, otherwise nothing will be sent, and I prefer giving out investors passwords anyway.
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