Marcel demo 3 (By marcelcorzo1)

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Marcel demo 3 Обсуждение

Aug 07, 2009 at 01:18
1,022 Просмотры
2 Replies
Участник с Aug 07, 2009   126 комментариев
Aug 18, 2009 at 05:06
This is a demo as example of managed account in low risk mode.
Any question feel free to ask. [email protected].


Managed and PAMM Accounts
Участник с Aug 06, 2009   386 комментариев
Aug 18, 2009 at 20:41
very nice results.

you have an astonishing win:lost records - how do you achieve that? 😱 i see that out of 29 trades, you won 29 trades. pretty amazing by all standards.
Sleep is for the weak.
Участник с Aug 07, 2009   126 комментариев
Aug 19, 2009 at 16:09
Well, that's thanks to my strategy developed over last three years, and a big change of mind about trading.😎
Managed and PAMM Accounts
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