ICM Commodity (By evacoven)
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ICM Commodity Обсуждение
Участник с Oct 23, 2012
341 комментариев
May 23, 2014 at 21:11
Участник с Oct 23, 2012
341 комментариев
Awesome bro, keep at it! any info on this strategy?
if you follow the flock like sheep you always end up stepping in shit!
Участник с Apr 21, 2014
16 комментариев
May 24, 2014 at 08:37
Участник с Apr 21, 2014
16 комментариев
Is this an EA or Manual trading?
CAn u share your strategy?
CAn u share your strategy?
Участник с Feb 24, 2012
2 комментариев
May 25, 2014 at 06:42
Участник с Feb 24, 2012
2 комментариев
Thanks. Basically it is manual trading based on MACD, RSI and also timing, normally around 8.30pm, 11pm, 12am (all timing is GMT+8). All trading is concentrated on Gold & Silver. However IC Markets have crazy swaps on silver and hence I am avoiding it now.
Участник с Apr 21, 2014
16 комментариев
May 25, 2014 at 09:00
Участник с Apr 21, 2014
16 комментариев
Is any way I can copy your trades?
That would be great if I could...
That would be great if I could...
Участник с Feb 24, 2012
2 комментариев
May 25, 2014 at 09:45
Участник с Feb 24, 2012
2 комментариев
kratous posted:
Is any way I can copy your trades?
That would be great if I could...
I try using twitter link on myfxbook. id is @fusionflea
Note. This account only around for a month. Not sure how it will end up.
Участник с Apr 21, 2013
258 комментариев
May 27, 2014 at 06:39
Участник с Apr 21, 2013
258 комментариев
wow. no losses at all. I hope your not just gridding it. I suppose even if you are, you've pocketed 6 x your money already so even if it all goes pear shaped now you're still looking ok. good for you.
Участник с Apr 21, 2014
29 комментариев
May 27, 2014 at 10:08
Участник с Apr 21, 2014
29 комментариев
Can I copy your trade or You can choose something to help me ,I'd be very grateful
Can I copy your trade or You can choose something to help me ,I'd be very grateful
Участник с Sep 29, 2012
416 комментариев
May 28, 2014 at 06:57
Участник с Sep 29, 2012
416 комментариев
Luckily, it is jut a demo account. Aggressive trading without good strategy will lead to such tragedy
There will always some good opportunities , just don't give up

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