Fxstay (By fxstay)
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Fxstay Обсуждение
Участник с Jun 23, 2010
9 комментариев
May 15, 2013 at 17:25
Участник с Jun 23, 2010
9 комментариев
the best Real trading system ever looking for serious investors with high amounts.
Please note we can change risk reward to decrease DD..the risk reward can choose by investor for example if an investor choose 10% risk reward , the DD limited to %10 and the profit also limited to %10 .. the risk reward can decrease to 5% for high amounts
Please note we can change risk reward to decrease DD..the risk reward can choose by investor for example if an investor choose 10% risk reward , the DD limited to %10 and the profit also limited to %10 .. the risk reward can decrease to 5% for high amounts
Участник с Aug 31, 2012
53 комментариев
Jul 01, 2013 at 13:45
Участник с Aug 31, 2012
53 комментариев
very poor trading, you need vast improvement to attract serious investors..are you really a professional?
*Коммерческое использование и спам не допускаются и могут привести к аннулированию аккаунта.
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