FXPro - Magic Champ II (By MarioW1972)

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FXPro - Magic Champ II Обсуждение

May 18, 2010 at 16:20
1,095 Просмотры
2 Replies
Участник с May 11, 2011   28 комментариев
Jul 24, 2011 at 12:23
I think you are trading Wall Street Forex Robot because Magic Champ II don't trade the other pairs! So why you don't say so?
Участник с May 05, 2010   3 комментариев
Jul 25, 2011 at 09:31
Yes, Wall Street Forex is running in addition to the Magic Champ II within the last 2 months (but not continously).

The MC II will definitely go on on this account, but WSF may be not. I consider WSF as a "test" on this account to see, how it performs on a non-ECN broker environment. It may go on another 1-2 months or longer (as long as I don't need the license on another account). Therefore I did not mention it explicitly.

Since WSF is spread sensitive I prefer to run this on ECN brokers (especially when you consider the other pairs than EURUSD and GBPUSD).

Note: Pls. check my comments concenring the evaluation of performance just ignore the S2 trades (or reduce from the overall performance with filter applied).
Участник с May 05, 2010   3 комментариев
Feb 24, 2013 at 22:21
Pls. note this account is no longer used.
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