Forex Robot TFOT Multi-Currency (By iticsoftware)

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Forex Robot TFOT Multi-Currency Обсуждение

Oct 22, 2013 at 02:48
859 Просмотры
3 Replies
Участник с May 06, 2010   116 комментариев
Nov 25, 2013 at 21:40

2013 Black Friday deals from BJF Trading Group inc.

Find this year lowest prices and sales on forex robots , indicators, trade copiers, and more...

Black Friday 2013 isn't until the day after Thanksgiving, but since you're already here, looking for the best Black Friday deals, we kicked off the deals a little early. We're counting down to Black Friday Deals Week with, yes, even more deals, all day, every day.

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BJF Trading Group
Участник с Sep 09, 2013   406 комментариев
Nov 26, 2013 at 04:34
Hi Borys, Can you add the SL/TP data statistics to the Open History, I would like to see the potential pips and Max Pip DD per trade. Thank you
Участник с Apr 30, 2011   20 комментариев
Jan 08, 2014 at 05:16
no update after lossing 12% what happened to system, is it making lossess?
Участник с May 06, 2010   116 комментариев
Apr 15, 2014 at 16:49
New TFOT 10 version LIVE account monitoring:

Web page:

Recommended broker:
BJF Trading Group
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