Finance Freedom (By ezzy_xo)

Пользователь удалил эту систему.

Finance Freedom Обсуждение

Oct 14, 2019 at 23:56
471 Просмотры
1 Replies
Участник с Jan 05, 2016   1097 комментариев
Dec 12, 2019 at 04:41

You have your history hidden, can you please open it? Thank you.


The brokerage you are using has a history of unethical business practices.

Problems with deposits, withdrawls, canceling profitable tickets if they are not manually generated (NO BOTS), etc etc etc.

The broker should never be trusted.

Do your research.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Участник с Jan 26, 2019   6 комментариев
Dec 12, 2019 at 14:55
I don't open my history and don't intend to show it to anyone,

Yes from the site you posted seems to have some issues with the broker i'm using,
But I've been using them for quite some time and i have 0 issues,
They also have an in office nearby my place, checked and its all good.

I did my research. 😄
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