ATC_MD (By user'stwo)
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ATC_MD Обсуждение
Участник с Sep 09, 2009
70 комментариев
Nov 12, 2009 at 11:42
Участник с Sep 09, 2009
70 комментариев
u trading megadroid on default? or ADT?
wats ur % risks per trade?
v impressive! :D
wats ur % risks per trade?
v impressive! :D
Slow and Steady Wins the Race :)
Участник с Dec 05, 2009
1 комментариев
Dec 10, 2009 at 22:51
Участник с Dec 05, 2009
1 комментариев
he said default settings with risk at 0.4
no other changes. megadroid 1.21
no other changes. megadroid 1.21
Участник с Jan 30, 2010
1 комментариев
Jan 30, 2010 at 11:20
Участник с Jan 30, 2010
1 комментариев
hey every body
where can i find that ADT ? or ATC_MD ?
where can i find that ADT ? or ATC_MD ?
Участник с Feb 12, 2010
12 комментариев
Mar 16, 2010 at 20:24
(отредактировано Mar 16, 2010 at 20:29)
Участник с Feb 12, 2010
12 комментариев
Hello to everybody.
I bought this expert advisor MD it was maybe before year and more and didnt use it so stupid... ,
maybe for 1 year it could be millionaire...Ha Ha HA
in the last time perform amazing!!!
So important update after FOCM, the MegaDroid done for me 49 pips, for less than 3 hours....incredable!!!
I am with the last ADT set with ADT Profile Reset Active modul.
My strategy is ADT Hybrid Set.
You can write me vinnieforex at gmail dot com
I bought this expert advisor MD it was maybe before year and more and didnt use it so stupid... ,
maybe for 1 year it could be millionaire...Ha Ha HA
in the last time perform amazing!!!
So important update after FOCM, the MegaDroid done for me 49 pips, for less than 3 hours....incredable!!!
I am with the last ADT set with ADT Profile Reset Active modul.
My strategy is ADT Hybrid Set.
You can write me vinnieforex at gmail dot com
Участник с Sep 16, 2010
12 комментариев
Oct 22, 2010 at 17:40
Участник с Sep 16, 2010
12 комментариев
Manual trade ,on strategies with risk equal 10% from the deposit.The profit depend on my technical analysis in the chart it provides me the signals.the profit depend on the risk and and with good profit at the end.

*Коммерческое использование и спам не допускаются и могут привести к аннулированию аккаунта.
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