░▒▓ ALLAH HU ▓▒░ (By um4ir)

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░▒▓ ALLAH HU ▓▒░ Обсуждение

May 17, 2014 at 18:30
723 Просмотры
5 Replies
Участник с Feb 12, 2014   6 комментариев
May 17, 2014 at 20:26
We offer you highly Professional Account Management Services and Forex Trading Signals which having some secrets and great strategies that everyone can't use it. You can work with us with 99% secure your Accounts and we Guaranteed to save your capital with low risk management. We make approximately 60%-80% per month with low Draw down.

Contact us for more details:

Phone: +92-321-6204264

Skype: um4irbutt

Skype: solidexchanger



Участник с Apr 20, 2013   160 комментариев
May 18, 2014 at 06:34
...........that drawdown :O
Участник с May 02, 2013   90 комментариев
May 18, 2014 at 07:31
If you consider 70% DD as low, then I would hate to see what you think high DD is.
Hate your losers more than you like your winners
Участник с Feb 12, 2014   6 комментариев
May 18, 2014 at 10:41
sir that draw down was of 100$ deposit and my staff was set a lot of 0.20
by mistake
he want to set lot 0.02
for this reason you see large draw down
Fxcc is my main account
you can check my account performance


Участник с Apr 21, 2014   29 комментариев
May 20, 2014 at 06:25
Dear Muhammad Umair .Assalomu alaykum
I did not understand you offer EA or signals , ALLAH HU it is EA.
You have a @ in order to contact you.
Участник с Feb 12, 2014   6 комментариев
May 20, 2014 at 09:01
This is the name of my Trading System (ALLAH HU). All trades are manual. No EA
Contact me @ Skype: um4irbutt
Email: [email protected]

Also you can check live performance My signal on Mql5: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/35553

Thank You
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