QLT (Quantum)1.70 (By EA_ForexLab)

Прибыль : +405.55%
Просадка 53.58%
Пипс: 10403.5
Сделки 2670
Качество модели: 99.9%
Столбики в тесте: 1326022
Смоделировано тиков: 222898845
Файлы стратегии:
Форвард тест недоступен

QLT (Quantum)1.70 Обсуждение

Aug 10, 2023 at 13:40
923 Просмотры
2 Replies
Участник с Aug 09, 2023   4 комментариев
Aug 10, 2023 at 17:02
Dear friends!
We are glad to share interesting Expert Advisors found on the web, tested on high-quality quotes with a real spread in Tick Data Suite. We discuss and post all the files on the telegram channel.
Channel with the best free advisors from the network - https://t.me/ea_forexlab
Участник с Mar 03, 2020   2 комментариев
Feb 07 at 00:29
How did you even did all these forward tests from all the way back from 2005
Участник с Aug 09, 2023   4 комментариев
Feb 07 at 18:11
50centfx posted:
How did you even did all these forward tests from all the way back from 2005
All tests were performed on high-quality tick data in the Tick Data Suite program. Quotes were used from brokers Dukascopy and Darwinex. Also, during testing, a real spread was used, which brings the test conditions as close as possible to real trading.
If you have any questions, ask. We are happy to answer them.
Channel with the best free advisors from the network - https://t.me/ea_forexlab
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