old test not profitable eca3 (By cacus)
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old test not profitable eca3 Обсуждение

Участник с Sep 09, 2009
23 комментариев
Mar 03, 2011 at 13:41
Участник с Sep 09, 2009
23 комментариев
Settings looks the same as in MegaDroid. Seems that you used their advisor and decompiled it. It's not very honest!
Участник с Aug 20, 2009
119 комментариев
Mar 03, 2011 at 13:52
Участник с Aug 20, 2009
119 комментариев
Hi Daniel,
It is just a test, i'm not selling this expert. I don't know how this test gone public but this isn't even profitable. It's just a test i've been analyzing.
It is just a test, i'm not selling this expert. I don't know how this test gone public but this isn't even profitable. It's just a test i've been analyzing.
Mental note: do not abuse.
Участник с Aug 20, 2009
119 комментариев
Mar 03, 2011 at 23:15
Участник с Aug 20, 2009
119 комментариев
Sorry but this is not an adverticing space...
I'll remove the topic.
I'll remove the topic.
Mental note: do not abuse.

*Коммерческое использование и спам не допускаются и могут привести к аннулированию аккаунта.
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