XAUJPY Exchange Rate


Gold vs Japanese Yen Exchange Rate (XAU to JPY)

+0.11% +494.0 pips
Bid/Ask: 431,593/431,099
Zakres dzienny: 428,947 - 435,292
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Japan Bank of Japan 0.5% 0.25% 14 dzieńi

Latest XAUJPY News

Japan Capex Falls Unexpectedly; Jobless Rate Steady At 2.5%

Japan Capex Falls Unexpectedly; Jobless Rate Steady At 2.5%

Capital investment of Japanese companies declined unexpectedly in the fourth quarter and the jobless rate remained in January, official data revealed Tuesday. Investment in plant and machinery dropped 0.2 percent, in contrast to the sharp 8.1 percent increase in the third quarter, the Ministry of Finance reported. Investment declined for the first time in nearly four years.
RTTNews | 19g 25 minut temu
Japan Retail Sales Rise 0.5% In January

Japan Retail Sales Rise 0.5% In January

The value of retail sales in Japan was up a seasonally adjusted 0.5 percent on month in January, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said on Friday - coming in at 13.623 billion yen.
RTTNews | 5 dni temu

XAUJPY Exchange Rates Analysis

XAUJPY Dane historyczne - Historical XAUJPY dane są wybierane według zakresu dat i ram czasowych.

XAUJPY Zmienność - XAUJPY analiza zmienności walut w czasie rzeczywistym.

XAUJPY Korelacja - XAUJPY analiza korelacji walut w czasie rzeczywistym.

XAUJPY Wskaźnik - XAUJPY wskaźniki czasu rzeczywistego.

XAUJPY Szablon - XAUJPY modele cenowe w czasie rzeczywistym.