Vodka (Od TheMysteriousOne)
Zysk : | +11.5% |
wypłata | 12.59% |
Pkt: | -2436.0 |
Transakcje | 329 |
Wygrano: |
Zagubione: |
Wprowadzić: | Rzeczywisty |
Dźwignia finansowa: | - |
Handel: | Niewiadomy |
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Vodka Omówić

Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Oct 02, 2010 at 18:09
(edytowane Oct 02, 2010 at 18:36)
Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
That day will come sooner than you might think. And then you're going to miss me.
Can't do the 30 days hey? Read the books....
Can't do the 30 days hey? Read the books....

Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Oct 03, 2010 at 11:05
Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Old game account and a fat tail system. Wouldn't try run that live, it will just fail. That's why I called it the "The obligatory look good system...."
It's another example of the 90% of systems here.
It's another example of the 90% of systems here.
Oct 03, 2010 at 11:27
(edytowane Oct 03, 2010 at 11:48)
Uczestnik z Sep 29, 2010
41 postów
ok, so, you are not trading live?
so, what gives?
you are constantly advising me to read a specific set of books, as if you actually know what you are talking about?
and you are still trading game?
oh my. this is good.
now why dont you run along and kindly tend to your own affairs.
i do not want any thing that you have to offer.
so, what gives?
you are constantly advising me to read a specific set of books, as if you actually know what you are talking about?
and you are still trading game?
oh my. this is good.
now why dont you run along and kindly tend to your own affairs.
i do not want any thing that you have to offer.

Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Oct 03, 2010 at 13:08
(edytowane Oct 03, 2010 at 13:18)
Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Not doing the expensive API to run a demo. And I can't publish my accounts. If I did send I'd most likely crash fxbook.
Oct 03, 2010 at 18:03
Uczestnik z Sep 29, 2010
41 postów
the expensive api, as u call the oanda api, is not the better tool.
whether you want to believe me or not.
i almost want you to go ahead and use the oanda api.
but i wouldnt wish such a thing like that on anybody.
you just wait until you have some ridiculously simple tech support issue, which wouldnt even exist with metatrader, and oanda takes their good old sweet time resolving said issue. by email, no less. it almost took an act of god for them to actually put a live voice on the phone with me regarding api tech support.
i have used other apis that didnt cost a penny, they were provided with hardware that i purchased, and when i call tech support to ask a question about something, they were very helpful.
if anybody reading this doesnt believe me, just go to the oanda forum and search for threads about API and DISCONNECT and LOGIN and whatnot.
read between the lines and you will see that many many coders found the oanda api beyond reasonable to write code for.
code that stays connected and trades in a mission critical fashion, that is.
there were a few threads about how the oanda api just stops working or crashes, either way it stopped functioning and what was the general concensus regarding how this should be dealt with? they came to the conclusion that a dos batch file needs to run your code that will automatically restart your api code. i dont suppose that anybody at oanda thought to fix the bugs in that very expensive api? at $600.00 per month, minus any discounts for heavy trading volume, that thing should run like greased butter.
mockup dos batch file:
my_api_application //run my bot
goto top
i cant remember the exact syntax for a dos batch file, but you will get the idea.
fyi, i have written code for various types of api's and it is absolutely my opinion that the oanda api was developed by a squad of high school kids that have no experience in api development whatsoever.
i must say, mr grimfd, if your metatrader code is not working, which it should be, you really might think about trying to get that stick unlodged from your bum and just maybe take a shot at hearing what i am saying.
what am i saying?
i am saying that metatrader works just fine.
fine and dandy.
in closing, i will say that the oanda api can be patched together and made to run, yes it can.
but, the constant connectivity issues, that alone, good lord man, you cant leave automated trading code running unattended if you are not absolutely sure that it is going to continue running and running and running.
it is my opinion that oanda is absolutely a fully qualified bucket shop.
what does that mean to be a bucket shop? it means that they are not in business in order that they might process your trades, it means that they are in business to take your money.
and plz dont get me started about how they used to have trade rollbacks occurring frequently.
a rollback here and a rollback there might be explainable.
but rollbacks that occur as frequently as they used to occur translate to bucket shop.
fyi, there were regulations passed that said something about that if a broker wanted to rollback a trade that they had to do so within X minutes of the trade being opened. i might not be remembering that issue exactly, but i am dammed close.
let me explain the rollback thing.
if i go to my terminal and request to go long on aaa/bbb at the market price and my terminal confirms it then my broker had better have actually placed said trade.
but lets say that my broker thinks that i am going to lose on said trade, which a lot of traders do. including myself.
now, lets say that my trade, which never really got executed, does actually lose by hitting my stop loss or by margin calling my account...
a handy dandy bucket shop broker deducts said loss from my account and nobody is the wiser.
lets say that i lost $100.00 on that trade, the trade that never really got executed, that is...
a friendly bucket shop operator pockets that $100.00
if that trade had been placed, that $100.00 would have been gone to the better trader(s) in the open marketplace.
but what happens if said broker doesnt actually place my trade as they say that they do, but that trade actually goes heavily into profit?
bucket shop broker is going to have to pay me, but they didnt place my trade.
thats when they say something like:
that was an invalid spike, we are going to rollback/cancel that trade.
and so goes business in your friendly neighborhood bucket shop.
good morning sir,
whether you want to believe me or not.
i almost want you to go ahead and use the oanda api.
but i wouldnt wish such a thing like that on anybody.
you just wait until you have some ridiculously simple tech support issue, which wouldnt even exist with metatrader, and oanda takes their good old sweet time resolving said issue. by email, no less. it almost took an act of god for them to actually put a live voice on the phone with me regarding api tech support.
i have used other apis that didnt cost a penny, they were provided with hardware that i purchased, and when i call tech support to ask a question about something, they were very helpful.
if anybody reading this doesnt believe me, just go to the oanda forum and search for threads about API and DISCONNECT and LOGIN and whatnot.
read between the lines and you will see that many many coders found the oanda api beyond reasonable to write code for.
code that stays connected and trades in a mission critical fashion, that is.
there were a few threads about how the oanda api just stops working or crashes, either way it stopped functioning and what was the general concensus regarding how this should be dealt with? they came to the conclusion that a dos batch file needs to run your code that will automatically restart your api code. i dont suppose that anybody at oanda thought to fix the bugs in that very expensive api? at $600.00 per month, minus any discounts for heavy trading volume, that thing should run like greased butter.
mockup dos batch file:
my_api_application //run my bot
goto top
i cant remember the exact syntax for a dos batch file, but you will get the idea.
fyi, i have written code for various types of api's and it is absolutely my opinion that the oanda api was developed by a squad of high school kids that have no experience in api development whatsoever.
i must say, mr grimfd, if your metatrader code is not working, which it should be, you really might think about trying to get that stick unlodged from your bum and just maybe take a shot at hearing what i am saying.
what am i saying?
i am saying that metatrader works just fine.
fine and dandy.
in closing, i will say that the oanda api can be patched together and made to run, yes it can.
but, the constant connectivity issues, that alone, good lord man, you cant leave automated trading code running unattended if you are not absolutely sure that it is going to continue running and running and running.
it is my opinion that oanda is absolutely a fully qualified bucket shop.
what does that mean to be a bucket shop? it means that they are not in business in order that they might process your trades, it means that they are in business to take your money.
and plz dont get me started about how they used to have trade rollbacks occurring frequently.
a rollback here and a rollback there might be explainable.
but rollbacks that occur as frequently as they used to occur translate to bucket shop.
fyi, there were regulations passed that said something about that if a broker wanted to rollback a trade that they had to do so within X minutes of the trade being opened. i might not be remembering that issue exactly, but i am dammed close.
let me explain the rollback thing.
if i go to my terminal and request to go long on aaa/bbb at the market price and my terminal confirms it then my broker had better have actually placed said trade.
but lets say that my broker thinks that i am going to lose on said trade, which a lot of traders do. including myself.
now, lets say that my trade, which never really got executed, does actually lose by hitting my stop loss or by margin calling my account...
a handy dandy bucket shop broker deducts said loss from my account and nobody is the wiser.
lets say that i lost $100.00 on that trade, the trade that never really got executed, that is...
a friendly bucket shop operator pockets that $100.00
if that trade had been placed, that $100.00 would have been gone to the better trader(s) in the open marketplace.
but what happens if said broker doesnt actually place my trade as they say that they do, but that trade actually goes heavily into profit?
bucket shop broker is going to have to pay me, but they didnt place my trade.
thats when they say something like:
that was an invalid spike, we are going to rollback/cancel that trade.
and so goes business in your friendly neighborhood bucket shop.
good morning sir,
Oct 03, 2010 at 18:05
(edytowane Oct 03, 2010 at 18:22)
Uczestnik z Sep 29, 2010
41 postów
i have been following the oanda forum for years.
i cant tell you how many oanda traders rant on and on about how they love oanda.
but then oanda bites em in the behind and all of a sudden they dont love oanda any more.
again, so goes life in your friendly neighborhood bucket shop.
i cant tell you how many oanda traders rant on and on about how they love oanda.
but then oanda bites em in the behind and all of a sudden they dont love oanda any more.
again, so goes life in your friendly neighborhood bucket shop.
Oct 03, 2010 at 18:08
Uczestnik z Sep 29, 2010
41 postów
Elkart posted:
Not doing the expensive API to run a demo. And I can't publish my accounts. If I did send I'd most likely crash fxbook.
by using the oanda api, you will use said expensive api to run demo code.
you are probably going to spend at least a month or two testing it.
and regarding that crash myfxbook issue?
plz, you must be kidding.
myfxbook runs just fine.
good day sir,
Oct 03, 2010 at 18:13
(edytowane Oct 03, 2010 at 18:36)
Uczestnik z Sep 29, 2010
41 postów
and i just logged into the oanda forum and what do you know...
another disconnect fiasco, right on schedule.;f=17;t=005488;p=1#000006
:begin edit:
there, i found a bug in the myfxbook site.
when you post a link like above, it doesnt form a proper link, i dont know yet if it is because it is such a long link or if one of the characters in the link is not escaped via myfxbook's html processing code.
the above link will work when i make a proper link out of it, like this:
:end edit:
notice in that oanda thread that said user is actually left believing that he isnt connecting to oanda because his computer is taking too many hops or whatever between his computer and oanda's servers.
what a bunch of nonsense.
there have been dozens and dozens of threads exactly like this thread, almost word for word.
the reality is that oanda pulls the switch and blocks its traders from its servers.
they block traders, selectively, depending on whether or not you are part of the group of traders that is in a block of trades that is profitable, trades that were never actually placed.
take a look around and read between the lines and you will know for yourself.
a bit of trivia, oanda has a featured traders page on it's website.
i cant speak for every last one of the featured traders, but every one that i am aware of personally is in the toilet and washed up as a trader.
so much for a featured traders page.
another disconnect fiasco, right on schedule.;f=17;t=005488;p=1#000006
:begin edit:
there, i found a bug in the myfxbook site.
when you post a link like above, it doesnt form a proper link, i dont know yet if it is because it is such a long link or if one of the characters in the link is not escaped via myfxbook's html processing code.
the above link will work when i make a proper link out of it, like this:
:end edit:
notice in that oanda thread that said user is actually left believing that he isnt connecting to oanda because his computer is taking too many hops or whatever between his computer and oanda's servers.
what a bunch of nonsense.
there have been dozens and dozens of threads exactly like this thread, almost word for word.
the reality is that oanda pulls the switch and blocks its traders from its servers.
they block traders, selectively, depending on whether or not you are part of the group of traders that is in a block of trades that is profitable, trades that were never actually placed.
take a look around and read between the lines and you will know for yourself.
a bit of trivia, oanda has a featured traders page on it's website.
i cant speak for every last one of the featured traders, but every one that i am aware of personally is in the toilet and washed up as a trader.
so much for a featured traders page.

Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Oct 03, 2010 at 19:40
Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Want me to fix your link?
My trade volumes per day is higher than this entire community does per month. Even if I don't crash them I'd hog the resources. Hardly be fair, especially since the stats doesn't work for what I'm doing. Be the same as a denial of service attack.
As for the rest, 🙄, man I have to watch a movie, can't spend the time reading your list of in-competencies. I spoke to who I needed to, people trading O reliably for years on API. Clearly you get coders, and then you get pro's...
Not scared of the API. We already know the problems, they don't pose much of an issue. And as far as the bucket shops go, O is the best!
My trade volumes per day is higher than this entire community does per month. Even if I don't crash them I'd hog the resources. Hardly be fair, especially since the stats doesn't work for what I'm doing. Be the same as a denial of service attack.
As for the rest, 🙄, man I have to watch a movie, can't spend the time reading your list of in-competencies. I spoke to who I needed to, people trading O reliably for years on API. Clearly you get coders, and then you get pro's...
Not scared of the API. We already know the problems, they don't pose much of an issue. And as far as the bucket shops go, O is the best!

Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Oct 03, 2010 at 19:56
(edytowane Oct 03, 2010 at 19:58)
Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów
Back to Vodka.
Uczestnik z Sep 24, 2010
5 postów
Uczestnik z Sep 24, 2010
5 postów

Uczestnik z Aug 01, 2009
895 postów

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