Monkey Pips (Od tschuil)
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Monkey Pips Omówić
Aug 12, 2019 at 08:14
Uczestnik z Sep 11, 2017
10 postów
The new Monkey Pips is available for free on the MQL5 Market Place.
Uczestnik z Oct 27, 2017
4 postów
Sep 06, 2019 at 09:23
(edytowane Sep 06, 2019 at 09:25)
Uczestnik z Sep 11, 2017
10 postów
boldoo1231 posted:
im tracking bro mt5 version his so sad result
so sad yes even mt4 ... i am changing the strategy altogether. This is the last version of monkey as we know it... after 6 years of tweaking and trying various techniques. The problem lies with the big people that wont allow the small people to make money.
this demo test proves the concept works and someone behind the scenes is robbing us.

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