forexgrowthbot (Od jimbob)
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forexgrowthbot Omówić

Uczestnik z Mar 28, 2011
942 postów
Apr 19, 2011 at 08:11
Uczestnik z Mar 28, 2011
942 postów
Hello Jimbob.
You are the second Myfxbook user that I came across using FGB that hasn't updated their account for over a week. Is everyone waiting for a newer version? Your method of using your manual intervention is paying off.
You are the second Myfxbook user that I came across using FGB that hasn't updated their account for over a week. Is everyone waiting for a newer version? Your method of using your manual intervention is paying off.

Uczestnik z Apr 18, 2011
239 postów
Apr 24, 2011 at 23:00
Uczestnik z Apr 18, 2011
239 postów
i was just purchased FGB. Is it good at all? should i buy the upgrades for better result or the default version is fine ?

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