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Flag martingale systems
Vieta ierosinājumiem
Jun 04, 2010 at 21:23
Some of the systems shows impressive gains, but took excessive risks using a martingale strategy. Using a python script and some Sql one would be able to analyze the trades to uncover such martingale trades or excessive averaging down. Would myfxbook be able to implement some sort of graph to show risk/increase in account ratio to quantify the risk exposure?
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Jun 04, 2010 at 21:18
Is this bucketshop http://www.liteforex.org your broker? Nowhere can one find where they are regulated , no Cyprus registration or UK FSA regulation. [Update: They are located in Seychelles, thus obviously fraudulent(no tel number)] They are probably running a cracked copy of MT4 server edition, no statements from them can be believed. The trades are hacked , backwards manipulated from the server side.Liteforex is market maker bucket shop hedging trades on an Excel spreadsheet not an ECN, if you really did have $50000 and executed three standard contracts as per your last trade on Friday 4 Jun...
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Jun 02, 2010 at 16:51
This issue was resolved, myfxbook.com indeed updates all the trades no matter how one would try and game the system. Your broker is Alpari and thus seemingly your trading results are simply astonishing. You have only 3 losses out of 212 , but if you have watched James Randi describe confidence tricks..... I still don't believe it. Would you link your trades to a signaling service, then I will believe it.
Community can vote if system is fraud
Vieta ierosinājumiem
Jun 02, 2010 at 16:39
You have a valid point Steve. A trader should then edit his forum page and provide a link to a signaling service such as yours IronMan linked to Tradency. Othes are zulutrade and collective2. A double verification system shows one isn't a fraud. Note that for example the 2400% gain systems don't link their accounts to a signaling service. You can imagine how traders will subscribe to such as system, but it is fiction, the 2000% from http://www.myfxbook.com/members/adryfx/wwwadry-fxblogspotcom/16206 is an hallucination.
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
Jun 01, 2010 at 13:47
Ok, that explains the delay in that trade signal firm from Greece feeding the signal from fxpro to fxcm. Well,then traders should pay for the bandwidth if this is an issue. A couple of T3 fiber lines plus a few hundred cloud computers should solve it?
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
Jun 01, 2010 at 11:16
Indeed my sp500 and oil losses now reflect reducing my equity. Don't know how you did this though because I haven't uploaded anything, thus you could only get it from the Fxpro.com server. If so it would be better if you just pull the results directly from their server instead of me uploading. Even better would be to get the trades in real-time so that anybody could reflect the same trades in their account, a sort of PAMM service, can this be done?
Community can vote if system is fraud
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 31, 2010 at 17:27
Not really because the top 30 is all by the same person Bernard from Bulgaria or whatever sockpuppet he is posting under.
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 31, 2010 at 14:21
The #EPM0 losses were on 24 May 2010, they still don't reflect on my account because I have not uploaded that losing day as per MT4 date selection criteria. Yet I have uploaded 27, 28, 31 May 2010 forex trades (there were'nt Dow or SP500 trades). As posted only a certain signal provider service located in Greece that possess a software patent has direct access to the servers. Nobody else can get access to anybody's trade data directly from a server.
Community can vote if system is fraud
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 31, 2010 at 10:19
There are to many systems claiming 2000% with posters outing it as fraud. Implement a system where every registered myfxbook trader with a two month track record can flag a system as fraud. Such as system can be displayed on a separate page. For example Bernard from Bulgaria is using sockpuppets(One can easily identify him by his eastern European accent and grammar mistakes. ) and running 2000 EA's on a cloud computing system and then posting only the winners in the top 10 ranking whether demo or real. All the systems claiming 200%+ profit whether demo or real is virtually nothing but fi...
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 31, 2010 at 09:53
The last two trading sessions I have only uploaded my forex gains. There is losses on my SP500 trades. Thus my actual equity gain is around 115% and not 123% as presently displayed. The losing SP500 trades are not being displayed on myfxbook because I haven't uploaded them, one can choose which specific days and which not to upload from MT4.
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 29, 2010 at 11:36
My stocktwits.com account user name is stephanusR. Track record there is 21win / 2loss.
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 23, 2010 at 18:16
With what broker, Bernard , are you managing accounts because all these systems posting 2000% gain don't list the broker? There are hundreds of forex brokers in Bulgaria, Russia etc. hedging their trades on Excel with a cracked copy of MT4 server edition.
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 23, 2010 at 09:18
As far as I know Zulutrade.com has a software patent , which is why my Fxpro account is updated without me having to upload anything to Zulutrade, they pull it directly from the servers. But since they have a patent only they can do so(which is why software patents must be banned). If indeed you pull it of the Fxpro server then why do I have to upload anything? Not even collective2.com pulls any trades from the fxpro server, mt4 has an EA (c2) that signals a trade to collective2.com . Not sure about any of this clarification would be welcome. There are to many accounts posting 2000% gain, wh...
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 21, 2010 at 20:15
This account is linked to zulutrade.com. Search for stephanusR to find system.
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 21, 2010 at 19:54
A flaw in the trade verifications is being exploited see: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/suggestion-box/fatal-flaw-track-record-verification/33132,1Go to your MT4 terminal click on Account history, right click and select one day custom period. You can thus select which days of your real or demo accounts you wish to have uploaded. Even though your profile might say track record verified and trading privileges true, you can game the system by only selectively uploading your results for either demo or real. This would explain the impossible returns of 2000% on some of the real systems. Somethi...
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 20, 2010 at 18:47
I think I know why you have 205 winners out of 208. See http://www.myfxbook.com/community/suggestion-box/fatal-flaw-track-record-verification/33132,1Go to your MT4 terminal click on Account history, right click and select one day custom period. You can thus select which days of your real or demo accounts you wish to have uploaded. Even though your profile might say track record verified and trading privileges true, you can game the system by only selectively uploading your results for either demo or real. This would explain the impossible returns of 2000% on some of the real systems. Something...
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 20, 2010 at 18:44
Nothing to do with that. This afternoon I had over 100 pips profit on Yen and oil and clicked only for today under custom dates, then uploaded. My account went to 116%. Then I clicked all history uploaded again to myfxbook and it came down to 111% gain because yesterday I had losses on the Euro. Now imagine if you were to do this everytime you had a positive trade for the day, you will wind up with over 2000% gain or whatever. At present you can upload only specific dates, thus as a verification system of real or demo the system is broken, trade verification is done, yes, done only on those...
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Vieta ierosinājumiem
May 20, 2010 at 11:36
Go to your MT4 terminal click on Account history, right click and select one day custom period. You can thus select which days of your real or demo accounts you wish to have uploaded. Even though your profile might say track record verified and trading privileges true, you can game the system by only selectively uploading your results for either demo or real. This would explain the impossible returns of 2000% on some of the real systems. Something which in true life isn't possible because the markets follows a random walk.
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 17, 2010 at 13:57
Dear Swedeinvestor remarkable claims needs remarkable evidence. If you can really trade like this then please PM me your PAMM details and I will deposit funds ASAP. The problem is that we are using computers and third party trade verification systems and as any hacker and Linux geek will tell you there is always a way to game the system. The best anti-fraud site is stocktwits.com (my alias stephanusR) where my personal live real-time track-record runs at 21/2 win/loss ratio documented with charts. On every trade there is a follow-up showing the MT4 chart with time,date logged. Since you are ru...
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 17, 2010 at 12:19
The system is clearly a hoax nobody can execute 203 winners out of 206 because the forex market follows a random walk.
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