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Pievienoja lietotājs forex_trader_156646
Myfxbook Autotrade
Nov 24, 2017 at 11:19
It could take a lot longer than that. 4-6 weeks or maybe longer. I think once you submit your system, they first monitor it for a while before they approve / reject it.
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Oct 04, 2017 at 07:07
Myfxbook Autotrade
Oct 01, 2017 at 06:19
The only risk I see is that he trades with, what is effectively, no stop loss, as it is such a large stop loss (1200 pips). I think when things go against him and they keep going against him, he closes trades manually for a loss at his discretion. I think he basically works on the principle that the EURUSD will never trend for too long and therefore, always, at some point, come back to his level. His stops are essentially 1200 pips. If that was to get hit in something like a flash crash, it would cause quite a dent.
Myfxbook Autotrade
Aug 13, 2017 at 06:19
I have been a staunch supporter/follower of NinjaTrainer, but with the large current DD I am slightly concerned - it seems out of the ordinary for the system, so I have decided to stop copying his trades until such a time that his equity curve makes a new high. I realise this may mean that I miss out on the recovery, but I'd rather miss out and know that he has managed to recover, instead of sitting through what could prove to be a very large DD and not guarantees of a recovery.
Myfxbook Autotrade
Aug 13, 2017 at 06:19
@Yonex I mentioned to someone the other day that the trades NinjaTrainer / NightProfit and GBP Combo place are just too identical for it to be a coincidence. I followed all 3 of them at one stage and they would literally open the exact same trades at the exact same moment. GBP Combo obviously only trades the GBP crosses.It could be one of 2 things, firstly they could all be using the same EA and have tweaked it slightly according to their own needs, or secondly, I wonder whether both NightProfit and GBP Combo are not copying NinjaTrainer's trades via a different system (like MQL5 possibly)...
Myfxbook Autotrade
Aug 09, 2017 at 11:54
Thanks @Yonex - I have noticed the exact same thing with NinjaTrainer and GBP Combo (4G).
Myfxbook Autotrade
Jul 11, 2017 at 06:16
A trader with an account size of $1000 could essentially place a trade and it could go all the way down to only $5 equity in the account before it reverses - if the trader then closes the trade for a $200 loss, it would show as 20% drawdown and not the fact that it was essentially 99% drawn down. This is exactly what happened with Asia. I made massive losses myself.
Myfxbook Autotrade
Jul 11, 2017 at 06:16
It is because the stats do not measure OPEN drawdown - I honestly think this is a MAJOR flaw.
Myfxbook Autotrade
Jul 05, 2017 at 14:54
IMHO - myfxbook should decide whether they just want to be another run of the mill signal provider offering signals where this type of irresponsible trading is allowed, or whether they want to be the premier site, offering only a small number of signal providers, but they are all of the highest quality. There are so many websites offering signals, but most of them are rubbish, so it would be really refreshing to have a site, where only the best trades are allowed in!
Myfxbook Autotrade
Jul 05, 2017 at 11:39
Oh yes, you are right, I didn't even notice that before! 0.14 lot size for a normal trade, but the trade following a loss is at 0.98! 😲Yes, I did the same, for both Asia and for 41799. Asia was disqualified for about a week before he made a return! With 41799 though they told me it was still within their acceptance criteria, which I find a bit bizarre, but anyway.I think the problem is related to open vs closed DD - you can have a system with a balance of $1000, open a trade which goes negative by 95%, then recovers and closes for a 5% loss. The DD will show as 5% on the stats, not...
Myfxbook Autotrade
Jul 04, 2017 at 14:56
My two cents on a few of the AutoTrade systems I have been following / followed in my live Pepperstone account:1. NinjaTrainer - fantastic results but opens / closes trades very close to market closing time, especially on Fridays, leaving you exposed to gaps over the weekend. 2. Premium Trading BB - the gains in a single month are just too big for me - seems very volatile with large up and down swings. I'm not sure how this system can be ranked 2nd.3. Turtle EUR - performance and DD looks fantastic, BUT, he is essentially trading with no stop loss if you consider he uses 1200 pips on GBPUS...
Myfxbook Autotrade
Jul 04, 2017 at 14:55
I feel your pain spereira! I was up about 50% on my live account - mostly due to NinjaTrainer and Scorpion and, at the time, Asia was doing well, but then the madness descended and first Asia completely lost his risk management and then not too long after the exact same thing happened with 41799. My +50% is now -25% and I ask myself how it could have all gone so badly wrong in the span of 2 weeks.See, I actually made their results even worse by closing the trades manually when I just couldn't watch anymore and they kept opening position after position, so instead of recovering some of thos...
Forex Contest Vantage FX
Jul 06, 2016 at 08:22
Yes, this keeps happening to me! Very irritating!
Forex Contest Vantage FX
Jul 05, 2016 at 06:25
No, I have noticed that when the trade opens, the stop is whatever you set it to, but as soon as it goes into profit, it gets moved to break even and the further it moves into profit the more it moves. Almost like an automatic trailing stop on every trade. I check the trade though as there is no trailing stop. Very strange but more than that extremely annoying!
Forex Contest Vantage FX
Jul 04, 2016 at 12:47
Is anyone else's SL getting moved automatically by the broker? I'm getting super annoyed with this!!
Forex Contest Vantage FX
Jul 01, 2016 at 19:41
Is anyone else also seeing their SL being moved automatically by the system on manual trades?
Forex Contest Vantage FX
Jul 01, 2016 at 19:36
Trading still disabled - Anyone know what time the contest actually starts?
EA Happy Gold
Sep 25, 2015 at 10:35
I have found the exact same thing on a live account. I have tried about 8 different live brokers now in the hope that this EA would perform better with one of them, but alas, I always find the same issue, trades which are supposed to make profit, are usually closed at breakeven / loss because they have opened at a price which is higher in the case of a buy trade and lower in the case of a sell trade than where they were supposed to open. I see people running this EA though in live systems (according to the analytics) and they seem to be making a profit, so I'm out of ideas why I can't ...
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