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FxTyrant (MA #1)
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Oct 14, 2012 at 23:45
Account about to reach 20% growth, its been a messy week last week but im glad the results prevailed....i will keep everyone up to date with my progress!and i would be glad to discuss further on my trading with anyone interested to have their accounts managed.
FxTyrant (MA #1)
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Oct 10, 2012 at 18:04
Manual trading using primarily daily chart candle close for trade execution Indicators used includes EMA55 and EMA200 on monthly, weekly, daily and h4 RSI confirmation for trade execution. Recommended trade sizes @5000 usd, 1:200 leverage. Currencies trade at 0.1 lot each Commodities trade at 0.05 lot each For any support, please dont hesitate contacting me.i do have a Zulutrade Linked with this account for anyone who wants to use it to follow my trading, please visithttp://www.zulutrade.com/TradeHistoryIndividual.aspx?pid=123254
Thor II Live Account
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 28, 2012 at 23:25
Subtle Crashev, real subtle... btw im still up 10% for the last 2 weeks i ran MDP...
Thor II Live Account
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 27, 2012 at 19:06
Strange.... ive been running all 3 cores for the last 3 days and still no trades....am i the only one? im seeing that thor hasnt made any trade too according to this myfxbook page...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 17, 2012 at 16:15
i've been running MDP on my live account since 5th september and im 11% gain atm, have a nice day, like i said... MDP is a winning scalper in general problem is it doesnt work with all brokers because most of the brokers have latency limitation to ensure their client's trade execution are delayed.... for MDP to work properly, you need a connection to the broker under 500ms latency, thank god mine averages around 350....
Thor II Live Account
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 16, 2012 at 11:11
Umm heres another thing..... when you provide a demo version of forex thor2, is there any difference to the retail? like perhaps a 7 day only limitation? trade execution limitation? usable on demo account only etc etc??
Thor II Live Account
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 13, 2012 at 22:14
Hi alex,just wanted to say im tracking your performance but im still skeptical as to how this robot trades, are SL fixed and im interested to know why is THOR II in both Trial and Paid packages?Personally your system looks impressive but im just skeptical, perhaps a one on one chat would put my mind at ease, you see im a college trader and ive been testing EAs for quite some time now.... so far ive been working with one but im desperately looking diversity my trading with multiple bots running together...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 12, 2012 at 18:26
hi saj, broker selection is just a trial and error process to see which bot does well with the broker's spread and slippages, i would recommend looking for some reliable broker with fractional pip, ECN, and low spreads. preferably with low commission too....Pepperstone does well but when news happens uh oh slippages will be harsh on MDP....Also it depends on the latency of the broker sooo if you can find a broker where their trade server is in Califorina, id recommend finding a dedicated server in california to have the optimum latency for trade execution... MDP is very sensitive to laten...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 12, 2012 at 12:13
Yep i am still trading MDP, also had profit but i had 4 trades x2 that won.... Reason why for month MDP has been more or less break-even is because Market did not have any direction during summer trading periods....seeing as EURUSD, GBPUSD are acting like its got a direction to trade finally.... MDP can do some damage, i'd say its worth the risk of putting 1k usd to trade this bot,
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 25, 2012 at 14:59
On my broker, under normal market conditions the max slippage recorded is 1 pip and averaging about 0.6 pip.Now when news releases comes up, MDP shuts down to prevent unwanted orders to be filled beyond a price level that would render the bot useless....what i realize is MDP makes most of its trades during quiet market conditions in Asia and its perfect trading that way... why?? welll on news release EURUSD can have a slippage as high as 30+ pips, and a bot with SL of say 5 pips like MDP just wont work, thats why MDP is temporarily inactive when volatility is high.Besides, too early to say th...
Thor II Live Account
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 18, 2012 at 13:51
Alexander, Im quite interested in your system, keep up the good work! and keep me posted....
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 18, 2012 at 13:37
Actually you quite know who i am....Im a college trader and i run a society in my university of which students chip in to a hedge fund me and other traders manage....not big but we're in the +200k USD region.... anyways its nothing big but 70% of our trading are done by Robots...sooo all im doing is putting 1k USD to test out Million Dollar Pips...From the stuff i read of your posts, sickens me.... Robot trading is never a holy grail, but it has always been a trial and error.... if you NEVER try... you NEVER Succeed... its plain and simple...your attitude of "You Will Lose trading wit...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 18, 2012 at 07:23
FINALLY MDP made a trade on my account with a different broker than the recommended one.... Same trades but i had more.... i see the Demo shows 2 Shorts on the 17th August 2012 that took profit...i had 5!!!!This bot is not dead... going to test it a bit longer...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 15, 2012 at 07:50
Not going to tell untill i see some results, i did have 1 trade that got in profit on AUG 2 but nothing since.... so you can imagine im dying in boredom....
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 15, 2012 at 07:42
Well i havent used it for long and i think the broker im using is showing potential, i think the reason why most people in here fail is due to their broker...Do you know whether if MDP is acting normal for this trading conditions??i cant say i have the best broker thats why im trying this robot out on the broker im using....
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 15, 2012 at 07:30
^ did it?? i mean i would understand it given the lack of a movement in EURUSD lately for MDP to place any trade...im sure this is just normal isnt it??Perhaps the trading will resume later...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 15, 2012 at 07:23
Unless im mistaken but is the market awfully quiet?? MDP cant even place a single trade for the last week or so....
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 07, 2012 at 08:55
Unfortunately you dont fit to be in this business... if you arent willing to risk anything, you will never gain anything... fortunately 1k USD is nickles and dimes for me to risk, hell the money i make is enough for me to go to macau for a nice game of high stakes poker and 1k USD scares me?? please....
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 07, 2012 at 08:17
The Problem is.... from November 2011 im showing the Same gain on my backtest as suggested by this forward test.... i think if you really got a good broker and a good VPS (hell screw VPS... people often dont realize but VPS requires a reset every once a week... so go get a dedicated server if you dont want unexpected server shutdown that has potential to wipe of your account as ur metatrader is not on to close trades that maybe opened and managed before your VPS resets...)I am going to give this bot a try, and a REALLY patient try... tomorrow im putting 1k USD in real in my account and i'l...
Million Dollar Pips
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 07, 2012 at 02:52
Anyone here can do a backtest analysis and check wether if this Demo forward test matches the return if we did a backtest?i have a feeling that backtest result may differ from forward test....none the less a very strong robot indeed...but slightly unrealistic to see backtest for 2 years with 1000 usd to start ending up in 20 millions and stuff...
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