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My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 01, 2010 at 04:48
RFLMAO!You have no idea Karl what is going on. You think I am that Randy good keep thinking that but if I were you I start thinking about what your going to say to the authorities when they tell you that you have broken the law..What surprise me in this Forum how many dishonest people that are here. It's sad that it seems on this site we just have a bunch of thieves.Since I started this thread not one member took my side which is the honest and legal side.Just a bunch of thieves it''s also the reason why I do so well in Forex but they are the 95% loosers..You will never be success...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 01, 2010 at 02:32
Stealing is stealing you cannot rationalize it. You tell that story to the Judge and he will fine you more money.I am a American living in Panama and people in these countries are like you they do not respect someone works. They feel it's ok to take what the other person made because the other person is making good money so why not us.The reason is simple down here and in south America the native people will not get off their ass to do anything so it's no wonder that stealing is not condemned here. Now there are exceptions maybe you find 1 in every hundred that thinks it's not ok ...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 01, 2010 at 01:38
Thank you I completely agree but when someone comes out of the blue and post 3 consecutive posts attacking me I cannot llet it go. I was done with this yesterday but for some reason that pirate site keeps getting back to me. Maybe the authorities came already I dunno.I also wrote to myfxbook cuz I wanted this crap deleted the people that needed to know have been told. But in the great wisdom of this site they will not delete anything and I sure do not see any option where I can delete my own posts.I am more than fine to let this go now. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++====...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 30, 2010 at 23:42
Scareface wrote Let's be honest with ourselves, no one has sold profitable EA or indicator so far.What are you just plain stupid or did your mamas drop you on your head a few times.There are profitable EAs look at mine on a real live money account right here 115% in 2 months with only a 16%dd.Now I agree you will not find a EA this good on the commercial market but you will find some that are maybe 25% as good.You must tell yourself these lies so you can sleep well. And what about every single manual trading systems that you have copies of all the videos and courses which some are in the t...
FX Robot
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 30, 2010 at 18:09
This kind of EA does not work on real accounts. It's the same as the Genius looked great on a demo fails horrible on a real account. If you see any accounts that say they are real and they are running this type of EA your being conned it just does not happen.However for the sake of argument lets say it's possible do you really think anyone would sell such a EA,do you really think anyone would broadcast to the world on a site like this about their EA. Come on your not kids your suppose to be adults.If anyone including yourself is lucky enough to come up with a EA that can do this you w...
FX Robot
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 30, 2010 at 15:08
I doubt it lets see your history then. I run EAs I know EAs and those are not EAs. You do trade this account manually the only way I would change my thinking is if you showed me your trading history..And where did you get this 1000 or 2000 trades?I never said that.randy
Costa Rica
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 30, 2010 at 02:24
Those are scary results I would never trade this Ea. For most of the time this EA was in real draw down.It's a lot of risk for maybe 10% per month.randy
Apr 30, 2010 at 02:14
Well I got all excited but then I saw the deal breaker. The Max leverage is 100:1 horrible many EAs need high leverage to run ..randy
FX Robot
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 30, 2010 at 02:01
viewing this account I see there is a lot of manual trading on this account. Every time you see a straight line up is manual EAs cannot trade like that. So I would be interested what is the real name and how much of the account is trading with EA.To me it looks like a scam. I am not saying that account is not real. However it's misrepresentation to run manually on EA account thanksrandy
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 19:22
Huh?Again this is NOT about me..who cares about Randy that is not the issue here.I have said enough I already received some emails from developers who are taking legal action against Karl as natural person and the Forum as a whole.Believe it or not there are developers that actually do care about their products and did not know the existence of this illegal site.So lets just wait for the next update it should prove more than interesting..Randy
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 18:26
What you must get paid by this Forum..they have all the updates, the have all clean coding..You have no idea what your talking about and when you make statements such as "99% are copies from others or stolen.."it shows how very stupid you are also. Your so wrong in your statement I could throw stuff at you all day long until you could not say a word but why you just showed how very ignorant and dumb you really are..Also if you learn how to read you would see it is far from EAs, it also has all the paid Forex courses that cost thousand of dollars ones like Super Max or Max Trading get...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 17:46
OMG I hope the readers see how psychotic this man is.I now believe he actually think he has done no harm. He actually thinks that by stealing other people commercial work and letting it go for free causes no harm. He actually believes because it's free on his pirate forum it's legal and Okay.Folks these are the people that must leave in Forex. They are the very virus that infects so many and cause untold harm to each and every one who trades in this community.Hopefully we can get a commercial developer to chime in here and put this thief in his place..As far as the other crap about me ...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 17:12
As the reader can see this person is simply deflecting. He knows he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and his only option is to use someone's post as mine to discredit the messenger..Also he is not a stupid man even though he writes like one. He is trying to make you believe that just because everything is free on his site that means no damage has been done to the pirate developers of these systems.On the contrary hundreds of thousands of dollars have been lost because of this man and hi website..He just said it himself Everything is Free and why buy something if you can get it fo...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:49
The value so far of your website is:Site Value ReportThe estimated value of http://indo-investasi.com is: $63,790This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web.You can buy and sell established sites in the dnScoop Marketplace.Not bad at all considering your value is totally based on stealing other peoples work..randy
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:27
What? You are not only a thief but a illiterate one at that!I have loss nothing, I do very well in Forex thank you.Again you are simply trying to discredit me when this is about you and your illegal activities in Forex.People can say or think whatever they wish about me, who I am etc. This does not change the fact that you and your site have stolen every commercial EA and system used to trade Forex.I will let others be the Judge to which one they see is most important here the messenger or the actual thieves and website that has destroyed many a developers life by doing this.randy
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:20
I hope that the good people of this community rise up and do something about this..It was never about me..The point was never if I said this or that . Maybe I am a crazy old guy or maybe I had these intentions all along whatever the case this is NOT about me it's about your illegal website and now it is out in the open for the world to see.Plus I made sure that every Forex forum on the net knows who it is that is stealing other peoples copyrights and destroying their business and livelihood. I also made sure that most of the developers I know are now aware of your illegal activities..Anyon...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 15:43
Well that is interesting coming from a person that runs a pirate website that has copied every single EA and system that hard working people put there money into and had hoped to make a living from it.You Sir and your group has taking the living from these people and their family'sI never said anything like this ..it's not a far reach to say that if you people who decompile all the commercial systems even the ones ith code guard how difficult do you think it would be to make up a story like this to discredit me.The point is Sir even if it was me and it's not but lets say it is for ...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 15:02
well thank you. The nice thing about mffxbook real money account it's that it's a real money account.People can lie about me, say all kinds of things but they cannot deny my account.Do you actually think that I go to forums to market this EA? It's thelast thing I would do if I did it at all.No one can do what I do for now. If I show anyone how in this pirate unprofessional market call Forex then everyone the next day will know. You see most people here are just stupid and should not even be allowed access to any trading forum. This should be made up with only professional people t...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 14:31
Sir you have no idea what you are talking about..With a attitude like yours you will never achieve much success in this market. Take a look at my real live money account. Over 110% in less than 2 months. The only thing you need to understand it this if anyone else was trading that account with the same EA they would have blown the account 2 different times in that period of time. But mine just keeps on going and it does so because I do not let the account to get that far in trouble..The difference is this you will see my account with more or less the same monthly profit all the time. No one ha...
My Live EA
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 28, 2010 at 14:04
You may have misunderstood what I was saying.When I say 95% it means you have just that a 95% chance of getting out at break even. You would have a 100% chance of getting out with a much smaller loss.To be this system is worth thousands. The reason is very clear to see if you look. With a recovery system like this all you do is run a martingale make your $500 or more per day then maybe in a week or so you get a good size dd like 20%. So you turn the your EA off and use your system to close out and get out of that DD and just turn your EA back on.The reason why people always fail with Martingal...
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