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The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Dec 11, 2013 at 22:10
@FXRX Yes, that is true for a true martingale recovery because there is only one win per series. But I have a modified martingale that produces the equivalent of one win per trade. There are two ways to get this effect, modify the martingale series itself so instead of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.... The modified series goes 1, 3, 7, 15, 31... double the previous loss and add 1. So even though there are losses, it has the same return as if you had traded the starting size every time and won every time.The other way to accomplish this is to not close the previous trades but that also requires doing on...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Dec 11, 2013 at 18:47
from fxking1, "close your eyes and play game = which is impossible."My friend, the games we play in the dark with our eyes closed are so much more fun than anything else. Not only is games possible with eyes closed but for blind mans bluff, it's a requirement. Everything depends on your point of view. Bob
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Jauni treideri
Dec 11, 2013 at 18:27
When people open their eyes, they see how so many people that mean well but have been giving bad or outdated advice because they themselves have been living in the past. "Computers will never beat a human at chess" until 1998 when Big Blue beat the then reigning grandmaster. Then "computers can't reason", Watson beat the two best Jeopardy champions at their own game. When people open their eyes, they find themselves staring at the future and some will also want to pretend it doesn't exist. EAs are the future, he who refuses to understand this fact will eventuall...
looking for my first EA
Jauni treideri
Dec 10, 2013 at 09:58
Hi Timo12; My name is Bob and I would like to introduce a new type of trading system that is different from the technical and fundamental systems that most people use and has not really done such a great job on the forex market. Systemic systems were created for the computers to use instead of trying to get a computer to trade like a human would. You can read about the different strategies used in systemic type trading and you can down load the corresponding EAs and use them on a demo account for as long as you like free of charge. I would begin with the info on the research website, forex...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Dec 05, 2013 at 19:58
Open a hedge half way from the original trade to the maximum iteration? I will need some time to ponder how this would work, I had always tried to hedge toward the max iteration. This is somewhat different, Thanks for the info.To your question, I use an ea that I created but it is still being beta tested and not available to the public. I try to test for one year before sharing it with anyone else but here is the MyFxBook analysis for this system. You can see that this variation allows for a profit for every trade taken not just a single profit on the wins as a true martingale does. The ran...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Dec 05, 2013 at 12:12
@Dimitris You know I tried to use a hedge to put the breaks on a run a way martingale type strategy but I could never figure out when to put it on and what criteria to use to close it down other than a trailing stop. In the end, what I decided to do is to just close the last allowed iteration then start over at the beginning but at twice the lot size. Half goes to recover the losses and the other half is my current profits. After the entire recovery balance has been cleared, the EA shifts back to single size trades. So we use a martingale type recovery for the first 7 or 8 iterations then ...
Why would you want to irritate your patrons
Vieta ierosinājumiem
Dec 04, 2013 at 21:16
Love your service and I understand that every company needs advertising dollars or some other form of income but your advertisements make me want to avoid your website all together. I had even set MyFxBook as my home page. Changing that fast. Those adds that scream at you at 3 in the morning while everyone is sleeping is rude and a real nuisance. I have paid attention to (you got mail) and the other one that makes a noise and will never do business with those companies and hate having to even go to MyFxBook for the analysis because I may drag my mouse across the screen and accidentally hit...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Dec 04, 2013 at 06:05
Here is a question from my e-mail that I don't get very often but as it may prove to be helpful to new traders, I am posting it here.Dear Forex-Assistant: ….. that demos are different than a live account with money. Is it true? And why do you use demos for showing what your systems do instead of a real account? ….Hi Jain,.....Yes, for some types of trading it is somewhat true, it used to have more of an effect a few years back than now days but if you have very quick trades such as scalpers do then you could get some small differences in the results between a live account ...
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Jauni treideri
Dec 02, 2013 at 22:44
HIROO59 wrote "on data before 2008 because the market is not longer the same because of the crisis of the same year"You are dead on. When we started with this new investment idea of making a system for the computer instead of trying to make the computer use a human system, we didn't know what to expect as a ROI. We knew that there wouldn't be any loses but not how many trades would be taken. In 2008 we made 300%. Were very excited, 300% and no losses. If we based our future decisions on that year we would have been in a world of red faced embarrassment. As it turns out ...
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Jauni treideri
Dec 02, 2013 at 21:53
Various brokers keep track of those percentages but the numbers change from broker to broker. The lowest I heard of was 75% losers but that was from a very small broker so his numbers were probably skewed. Bob
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Dec 02, 2013 at 18:46
Good Morning Forexci,May I make an observation about your post, “No-stops is a problem in itself. Most system fail miserably without having well defined stops.” If the system used no stops then the trades would remain open. But a true martingale doubles the last loss to make the next trade, if the trade doesn't close for a loss there is nothing to double. A martingale recovery system always uses stops. It is a grid system that holds the trades open and doesn't use stop losses, they tend to use a hedge instead. A martingale is not a trading system, it is a recovery syste...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Nov 30, 2013 at 21:41
You poor kid. Honestly, I'm sorry for you. Please find someone to talk to. Your hate is burning you up. I will not be answering anymore of this kids posts as it is feeding his illness and it is my goal to do good not harm. If anyone else has any questions that I can help you with, please feel free to ask or send me a private post. We have introduced a new system of trading, different than technical or fundamental systems. Systemic trading is the future of investment trading and we are looking to advance the knowledge of this new third type of trading system specifically made for the f...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Nov 30, 2013 at 20:43
To anyone really interested in what is going on here, we have someone talking about martingale recover systems that doesn't care about what makes sense and is just trying to hurt someone. Notice that the attachment that ardit posted shows a lot size of 0.1 lots. His tirade states that the size of the trade would grow to to a million dollars. With a trade size of .1 lots, every pip cost 1 dollar in draw down. The discrepancy between the -1154 in draw and the -1419 in pips is the conversion between the Australian dollar and the US dollar account. With the the 1154 draw down in pips an...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Nov 30, 2013 at 05:05
"About your book, I won't even download it illegally." ???You do realize that the things that you say and how you say them tells what kind of person you are? Why would you show a preference for downloading it illegally? I would not do anything that I knew was illegal because that is who I am. However, you wouldn't have to get it illegally, I would give you a copy free just because it could help you. You are hurting young man, I am not talking about your trading capabilities, I'm talking about you personally. I wish I could help, I have some small idea of what you ...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Nov 29, 2013 at 22:37
Actually, you are what we consider evil. You try to hurt others who have never done you harm. You and others like you troll the boards to try to beat up on anyone that you can. I have no respect for bullies. Not on the playground and not on the internet. You are so very brave with your name calling hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Name calling? Really? How old are you?Of course I don't really have any problem being called a car salesman, without someone to sell the cars, we would all still be walking. I have said before and will repeat this one more time, I don't sell...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Nov 29, 2013 at 21:14
Of course not because you are already so great and wonderful.Oh Yes, please stay away from that terrible research stuff. After all, if you can't do it, obviously it can't be done and anyone who disagrees should be properly bullied into submission by the only one who could possibly know anything on this board. What the hell was I thinking to venture an observation in the presence of my betters. Pleeease forgive me...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Jauni treideri
Nov 29, 2013 at 18:41
"Those are not good charts at this time. One is locked out as private and the other one showed DD."Sorry professor, wrong link, here are the right ones.Phoenix Program Testing Accounthttp://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAssistant/mt4-6040547/570955http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAssistant/phoenix/570955 Pegasus http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAssistant/pegasus/670938To down load the programs so you can run them yourself, you have to go to TheSafeInvestor.com and follow the directions to request the program be sent to you. It's free to run on a demo, help yourself.The m...
MT4 problem help!!
Jauni treideri
Nov 27, 2013 at 19:31
@ArditWhen it comes to pure trading, you are probably right humans can make more money trading than a computer, at least for now. But here's the difference, traders are looking to find the highest payout while I am looking to free up my time. I am more concerned with safety than profits and I want a robot that can provide a steady income for our retirement.Like most people, time got ahead of me. In 2007 I came to the harsh realization that I was in my later 50's and hadn't been able to put enough money away for any kind of retirement, and that time was approaching quickly. My l...
MT4 problem help!!
Jauni treideri
Nov 27, 2013 at 18:11
@Ardit, I am sorry my friend but I didn't understand your last post, I don't know what a Zynga Poker is, the only virtual currency that I am aware of is Bitcoin but I don't think that is what you were talking about so I am afraid that I am lost here. 75 Billion dollars is larger than the GDP of a number of countries so if someone had lost that amount it would surely show up in the news as the French bank trader did a couple of years back that lost almost 2 billion of his banks money. I'm thinking that maybe you got this thread mixed up with some other one because I also can...
MT4 problem help!!
Jauni treideri
Nov 27, 2013 at 08:15
Ardit,The systems that I linked to are not anything that you are likely to be familiar with. The systemic trading system was created to be used by a computer. No human could ever trade like it does. It crunches numbers at lightning speed and works tirelessly 24/7. The systems that we are talking about here are not fundamental or technical trading systems. It is new and our research group has been working on this new concept for over 5 years. For systemic trading systems, there is a better way to learn about them than to have me try to explain things to you in a way that you are comfortabl...
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