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Contest - watchme

Mar 01, 2013
3-5 years
Atrašanās vieta
Demo (USD),
Squared Financial
, 1:200
, MetaTrader 4
-94.39% | |
-94.39% |
-0.07% | |
-78.22% | |
Kritums (Drawdown) | 96.58% |
Bilance | $2,807.46 |
Kapitāls | (17.07%) $479.19 |
Augstākais | (Aug 13) $82,188.71 |
Peļņa | -$47,192.54 |
Interese | -$2,843.27 |
Depozīts | $50,000.00 |
Izņemts | $0.00 |
Atjaunots | Sep 17, 2014 at 13:26 |
Sekošana | 0 |
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Pieaugums (Difference) | Peļņa (Difference) | Pipi | Win% (Difference) | Darījumi (Difference) | Lotes (Difference) | |
Today | - | - | - | - | - | - |
This Week | - | - | - | - | - | - |
This Month | - | - | - | - | - | - |
This Year | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Data is private.
Darījumi: | 123 |
Rentabilitāte |
Pipi: | -1,044.5 |
Average Win: | 6.50 pips / $585.88 |
Vidēji zaudēts: | -73.66 pips / -$4,599.17 |
Lotes : | 1,232.03 |
Komisijas | $0.00 |
Sekmīga pirkšana | (11/18) 61% |
Sekmīga pārdošana | (89/105) 84% |
Labākais darījums | (Aug 13) 16,076.82 |
Sliktākais darījums | (Aug 15) -10,884.39 |
Labākais darījums(pipi): | (Aug 26) 167.2 |
Sliktākais darījums(punkti): | (Sep 12) -256.5 |
Vid. darījuma ilgums | 1d |
Peļņas faktors | 0.55 |
Standarta novirze | $3,114.322 |
Šarpa koeficients | -0.20 |
Z-Score (Probability): | -4.76 (99.99%) |
Gaidāms | -8.5 Pipi / -$383.68 |
AHPR: | -1.82% |
GHPR: | -2.31% |
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Prognoze New
Atvēršanas datums | Simbols | Darbība | Lotes | Atvēršanas cena | SL (Pipi) |
TP (Pipi) |
Peļņa (USD) |
Pipi | Swap | Pieaugums | ||
08.12.2014 14:13 | CHFJPY | Pārdot | 1.00 | 112.438 | - | - | -2233.55 | -239.5 | -103.33 | -83.24% | |
Kopā: | 1.00 | -$2233.55 | -239.5 | -103.33 | -83.24% |
Other Systems by watchme
Vārds | Pieaugums | Kritums (Drawdown) | Pipi | Tirdzniecība | Kredīta plecs | Tips |
Contest - watchme | 184.79% | 33.81% | 467.1 | Manuāli | 1:400 | Demo |
Contest - watchme | 26.23% | 47.65% | 1,145.4 | Manuāli | 1:200 | Reāls |
Real Live Account with 1% Profit | 1.09% | 11.14% | -514.5 | Manuāli | 1:500 | Reāls |
Live Account Recovered $4200 From $1700 to $5900 | 0.16% | 69.27% | -2,116.0 | Manuāli | 1:400 | Reāls |