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PAI Unique Mode No Limits

May 03, 2021
Vairāk par 5 gadi
Atrašanās vieta
Reāls (USD),
, Tehniskā , Automatizētā , 1:300
, MetaTrader 4
+301.84% | |
+259.12% |
0.07% | |
2.06% | |
Kritums (Drawdown) | 21.96% |
Bilance | $9,956.18 |
Kapitāls | (99.96%) $9,952.68 |
Augstākais | (Jul 17) $16,004.63 |
Peļņa | $12,956.18 |
Interese | -$907.53 |
Depozīts | $5,000.00 |
Izņemts | $8,000.00 |
Atjaunots |
Sekošana | 165 |
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Pieaugums (Difference) | Peļņa (Difference) | Pipi | Win% (Difference) | Darījumi (Difference) | Lotes (Difference) | |
Today | +0.00% (-0.03%) | $0.00 (-$2.88) | +0.0 (+5.9) | 0% (-66%) | 0 (-3) | 0.00 (-0.16) |
This Week | +0.06% (-0.27%) | $5.82 (-$26.93) | -17.7 (-87.8) | 50% (-19%) | 6 (-7) | 0.32 (-0.24) |
This Month | +0.39% (-0.65%) | $38.57 (-$62.99) | +52.4 (-98.4) | 63% (+2%) | 19 (-25) | 0.88 (-1.16) |
This Year | +2.23% (-15.11%) | $217.52 (-$1,222.36) | +299.7 (+77.0) | 63% (-5%) | 98 (-466) | 4.80 (-34.24) |
Darījumi: | 5,787 |
Rentabilitāte |
Pipi: | -1,045.2 |
Average Win: | 13.53 pips / $10.02 |
Vidēji zaudēts: | -26.52 pips / -$12.71 |
Lotes : | 386.84 |
Komisijas | -$1,500.78 |
Sekmīga pirkšana | (1,863/2,863) 65% |
Sekmīga pārdošana | (1,943/2,924) 66% |
Labākais darījums | (Mar 12) 899.61 |
Sliktākais darījums | (Mar 12) -264.93 |
Labākais darījums(pipi): | (Apr 25) 47.2 |
Sliktākais darījums(punkti): | (Mar 12) -170.8 |
Vid. darījuma ilgums | 17h 32m |
Peļņas faktors | 1.51 |
Standarta novirze | $31.375 |
Šarpa koeficients | 0.05 |
Z-Score (Probability): | -9.79 (99.99%) |
Gaidāms | -0.2 Pipi / $2.24 |
AHPR: | 0.02% |
GHPR: | 0.02% |
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
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Other Systems by MischenkoValeria
Vārds | Pieaugums | Kritums (Drawdown) | Pipi | Tirdzniecība | Kredīta plecs | Tips |
Waka Waka EA | 10,197.63% | 70.24% | 12,750.0 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro Best Pairs | 117.51% | 19.36% | 1,448.9 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro All Pairs | 118.08% | 9.90% | 1,937.1 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro 3 Pairs | 155.05% | 13.25% | 2,110.2 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro Rann | 167.92% | 14.20% | 1,398.2 | Automatizētā | 1:100 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro FTMO | 49.18% | 6.96% | 732.3 | Automatizētā | 1:100 | Demo |
Night Hunter Pro Tickmill | 26.72% | 5.83% | 1,340.1 | Automatizētā | 1:30 | Reāls |
Waka Waka EA (EA update) | 10,437.83% | 66.54% | 12,794.6 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
Waka Smart TP | 13,416.03% | 58.65% | 11,754.4 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro Extreme MT5 | 108.17% | 35.07% | 876.5 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
BTC Main (low risks due to 1:3 leverage) | 134.39% | 13.33% | 2,567,581.0 | Automatizētā | 1:30 | Reāls |
BTC Pepper 2 | 398.95% | 31.65% | 3,318,470.0 | Automatizētā | 1:30 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Pro Pepper | 41.23% | 8.43% | 256.5 | Automatizētā | 1:30 | Reāls |
Evening Scalper Best Pairs | 94.47% | 25.52% | 676.5 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Evening Scalper All Pairs | 62.30% | 32.46% | 959.3 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Waka Clone | 391.24% | 89.67% | 2,866.7 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
BTC Trading Rann | 303.60% | 26.59% | 571,780.8 | Automatizētā | 1:20 | Reāls |
BTC Trading Pepper | 2,329.62% | 46.97% | 568,428.8 | Automatizētā | 1:200 | Reāls |
Night Hunter Best Pairs MinPriceRange 15 | 162.22% | 40.95% | 810.2 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Golden Pickaxe Balanced Vol | 1,864.08% | 50.92% | 64,823.0 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
News Catcher Recovery Mode | 99.89% | 21.76% | 3,172.0 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
Golden Pickaxe Risky Set | 164.32% | 70.14% | 54,211.0 | - | 1:300 | Reāls |
PAI Standard Mode 5 Pairs | 380.07% | 34.99% | 2,169.4 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
PAI Unique Mode 5 Pairs | 357.04% | 56.93% | 1,119.2 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
PAI Standard Mode 5 Pairs with AI Filter | 173.73% | 29.00% | 2,415.8 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
PAI Unique Mode 5 Pairs with AI Filter | 153.34% | 65.44% | 1,602.7 | Automatizētā | 1:300 | Reāls |
Momentum Portfolio | 41.42% | 19.91% | 530.2 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
News Catcher Pro | 102.06% | 17.22% | 2,291.4 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Waka SP500 | 197.41% | 24.52% | 676.0 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Demo |