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Apr 25, 2020
Vairāk par 5 gadi
Atrašanās vieta
Reāls (USD),
, Tehniskā , Automatizētā , 1:200
, MetaTrader 5
+45.61% | |
+27.55% |
0.05% | |
1.69% | |
Kritums (Drawdown) | 27.75% |
Bilance | $905.00 |
Kapitāls | (74.80%) $676.97 |
Augstākais | (Feb 18) $905.00 |
Peļņa | $198.10 |
Interese | -$1.36 |
Depozīts | $718.95 |
Izņemts | $12.05 |
Atjaunots | Yesterday at 20:57 |
Sekošana | 0 |
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Pieaugums (Difference) | Peļņa (Difference) | Pipi | Win% (Difference) | Darījumi (Difference) | Lotes (Difference) | |
Today | - | - | - | - | - | - |
This Week | +0.00% ( - ) | $0.00 ( - ) | +0.0 ( - ) | 0% ( - ) | 0 ( - ) | 0.00 ( - ) |
This Month | +0.00% (-0.70%) | $0.00 (-$6.31) | +0.0 (-3,510.2) | 0% (-100%) | 0 (-5) | 0.00 (-0.52) |
This Year | +4.74% (-17.59%) | $41.01 (-$91.56) | +8,491.5 (-75,265.5) | 80% (-5%) | 41 (-176) | 7.48 (-21.57) |
Darījumi: | 578 |
Rentabilitāte |
Pipi: | 121,988.1 |
Average Win: | 353.64 pips / $0.76 |
Vidēji zaudēts: | -615.94 pips / -$2.05 |
Lotes : | 73.59 |
Komisijas | $0.00 |
Sekmīga pirkšana | (379/448) 84% |
Sekmīga pārdošana | (114/130) 87% |
Labākais darījums | (Nov 21) 16.95 |
Sliktākais darījums | (Dec 19) -25.14 |
Labākais darījums(pipi): | (May 15) 3,577.0 |
Sliktākais darījums(punkti): | (Apr 29) -6,702.0 |
Vid. darījuma ilgums | 10d |
Peļņas faktors | 2.14 |
Standarta novirze | $2.215 |
Šarpa koeficients | 0.11 |
Z-Score (Probability): | -4.07 (99.99%) |
Gaidāms | 211.1 Pipi / $0.34 |
AHPR: | 0.08% |
GHPR: | 0.04% |
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Prognoze New
Atvēršanas datums | Simbols | Darbība | Lotes | Atvēršanas cena | SL (Pipi) |
TP (Pipi) |
Peļņa (USD) |
Pipi | Swap | Pieaugums | ||
01.21.2025 15:30 | TSLA.U | Pirkt | 0.46 | 431.41 | - | 342.1 | -68.62 | -14,918.0 | 0.0 | -7.58% |
01.22.2025 15:44 | TSLA.U | Pirkt | 0.50 | 419.94 | - | 804.9 | -68.86 | -13,771.0 | 0.0 | -7.61% |
01.22.2025 16:00 | TSLA.U | Pirkt | 0.50 | 418.29 | - | 969.9 | -68.03 | -13,606.0 | 0.0 | -7.52% |
02.04.2025 17:11 | GOOG.U | Pirkt | 0.10 | 208.06 | - | 909.1 | -3.93 | -3,928.0 | 0.0 | -0.43% |
02.05.2025 16:00 | GOOG.U | Pirkt | 0.12 | 191.14 | - | 782.9 | -2.68 | -2,236.0 | 0.0 | -0.30% |
02.05.2025 17:00 | GOOG.U | Pirkt | 0.15 | 190.89 | - | 807.9 | -3.32 | -2,211.0 | 0.0 | -0.37% |
02.07.2025 16:00 | GOOG.U | Pirkt | 0.19 | 190.77 | - | 819.9 | -4.18 | -2,199.0 | 0.0 | -0.46% |
02.13.2025 21:54 | META.U | Pirkt | 0.08 | 728.91 | - | 25.0 | -5.73 | -71.6 | 0.0 | -0.63% |
02.18.2025 15:30 | NVDA.U | Pirkt | 0.10 | 141.29 | - | 1,000.0 | -2.68 | -2,679.0 | 0.0 | -0.30% |
Kopā: | 2.20 | -$228.03 | -55,619.6 | 0.00 | -25.20% |
Other Systems by MfLeite
Vārds | Pieaugums | Kritums (Drawdown) | Pipi | Tirdzniecība | Kredīta plecs | Tips |
Doutor Ricco NASDAQ | 159.13% | 49.99% | 1,316,146.0 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |
Doutor Ricco Canal Mr. Jonny | 540.51% | 36.91% | 488,029.8 | Automatizētā | 1:500 | Reāls |