"" 45 posts ForexPro Oct 17 at 23:58 (edited Oct 18 at 00:10 )
adryfx posted:
It's been a while since last visit, this account is no longer exist, it experienced bad moves, so I start again with new account and took experience for better performance. I spent alot time to learn about what had happened and why I failed on those trades, also read more about Elliot Wave, it's complicated and seem confusing, but now things look better.

http://www.myfxbook.com/members/adryfx/wwwadry-fxblogspotcom-managed-account/55759 ""

You just confirmed what I always said : you dont have a clue about trading..

Managed acounts by you????? LOOOOOL this is the joke of the year 2010

You are done on myfxbook...you lied and ripped off to many people. Now you try to get new victims under multiple names on facebook...

Shame on you!