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- OLD Robin VOL 2.0 - Bad broker
OLD Robin VOL 2.0 - Bad broker (By fmonera)
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May 03, 2013 at 21:59
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Its been a 8 months of history with nothing in gain. and you led me to loose too much money.
you will need to release a new version for other pairs immediately. or doing something else... it should have been better than FGB but i see no difference.
you will need to release a new version for other pairs immediately. or doing something else... it should have been better than FGB but i see no difference.
Big trades easy than the other trades...
Biedrs kopš
45 ieraksti
Jul 18, 2013 at 08:32
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45 ieraksti
RObin LOL... another bad broker .. cant shit .. bad toilet . lol..
reitred at 40... and i just did
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