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- Tirdzniecības sistēmas
- EduxCenter High Risk Robot
EduxCenter High Risk Robot (By eduXcenter)
Lietotājs ir dzēsis šo sistēmu.
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Biedrs kopš
11 ieraksti
Jan 05, 2021 at 01:30
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11 ieraksti
eduXcenter posted:
32% gain within 5 days of trading, we will double the investment very soon.
You are carrying a floating loss of 11%, meaning your actual equity is only up 16%.
Up 16% with a drawdown bigger than returns is nothing to brag about! Please present the full picture to people!
Very dishonest advertising, I would caution anyone against doing business with this person!
Biedrs kopš
16 ieraksti
Jan 20, 2021 at 10:33
Biedrs kopš
16 ieraksti
Your system looks amazing. Feel free to share some details about this, thanks.
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