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- 4UForex-InvestorEurope
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13 ieraksti
Jun 08, 2013 at 09:19
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13 ieraksti
I follow your account in my live account
hope you great results
I follow your account in my live account
hope you great results
Biedrs kopš
2 ieraksti
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Jul 26, 2013 at 22:11
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1 ieraksti
Hello... I'm new to MyFXBook.com and I'm AutoTrading a demo account using your system.
Without giving away any secrets, can you describe the high-level methodology for your trades?
In particular, I'm looking to understand:
- Your system's criteria for entering a trade...
- System criteria for exiting a trade...
- Does your system trade solely in one currency pair or multiple pairs...
- I noticed some trades are 3 times larger than others. Is there a criteria to decide between one type of trade and the other..?
Again, I'm not looking to copy your system but I do want to understand more about it before committing a live account.
Thanks in advance for your time and response,
Without giving away any secrets, can you describe the high-level methodology for your trades?
In particular, I'm looking to understand:
- Your system's criteria for entering a trade...
- System criteria for exiting a trade...
- Does your system trade solely in one currency pair or multiple pairs...
- I noticed some trades are 3 times larger than others. Is there a criteria to decide between one type of trade and the other..?
Again, I'm not looking to copy your system but I do want to understand more about it before committing a live account.
Thanks in advance for your time and response,
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