VestigeUSD (de VestigeTA)

Gain : +182.15%
Drawdown 14.79%
Pips: 553764.3
Transactions 129
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Manuel

Discussion VestigeUSD

May 25, 2020 at 12:45
Vues 330
1 Replies
Membre depuis May 19, 2020   posts 2
May 25, 2020 at 21:53
Why does it show like this? it gained in the past 450+ and lost on a bad expert advisor and now it show like this but the profit in money is more,does anyone have any idea if it can be set to show only starting past 5 month or so?
Get rich or die trying :@
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2019   posts 338
May 26, 2020 at 14:28
1. Go to your portfolio and select your system,
2. Go to Custom Analysis,
3. Select your start-date,
4. Click the pin on the right.
Your new charts will be processed (this can take a while). After it's processed you'll see a small info about your start-date and the pin will be marked red (to show you a custom start-date is active).

Fichiers joints:

patience is the key
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